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2010 May 18 13:38
By Last Name By First Name By Join Date Search Officers Past Officers LUGODers Join

Members - By First Name


Name: Tahar Lemseffer Email: tmlems2000@yaMAPShoo.com
Skills: URL:
Work: IT Analyst, Software Engineer Joined: 7/2009

Name: Takashi Ishihara Email:
Skills: Prolog, Lisp, SKK, Gimp URL: http://wwwcsif.cs.ucdavis.edu/~ishihara/
Work: Student Joined: 5/1999

Name: Tamie Taylor Email:
Skills: URL:
Work: Administrator Joined: 11/2002

Name: Ted Deppner Email:
Skills: URL: http://www.psyber.com/~ted/
Work: System admin Joined: 2/2000

Name: Teresa Differ Email:
Skills: URL:
Work: Web developer Joined: 4/2002

Name: Terry McGiveran Email:
Skills: Economics URL:
Work: Retired, EECS Joined: 7/2002

Name: Thahn Vu Email: thavu@ucdavisMAPS.edu
Skills: URL:
Work: Undergraduate student Joined: 10/2008

Name: Thanh Diep Email:
Skills: Programming URL:
Work: Student Joined: 9/2001

Name: Thomas Harwell-Weiler Email: biz@genesiscompMAPSlex.com
Skills: Web enterprise management and marketing URL: http://www.genesiscomplex.com/
Work: CEO/CIO Joined: 2/2002

Name: Thomas Turner Email:
Skills: URL:
Work: UC Davis student Joined: 10/2011

Name: Thomas Pederser Email:
Skills: - URL:
Work: Student Joined: 8/2002

Name: Thomas Amsler Email: tpamsler@ucMAPSdavis.edu
Skills: Networking URL:
Work: Student Joined: 9/1999

Name: Thomas Wieglenda Email: wieglenda@yahoMAPSo.com
Skills: URL:
Work: US Navy Joined: 2/2003

Name: Tim Riley Email: timriley@timriley.MAPSnet
Skills: Databases URL: http://www.timriley.net/
Work: Software developer Joined: 6/2003

Name: Tim Tyler Email: ttyler@dcn.davis.cMAPSa.us
Skills: Netware, Web development URL: http://www.cdfa.ca.gov/phpps/ppd/
Work: Associate Information Systems Analyst Joined: 8/2002

Name: Tim Bonanno Email:
Skills: URL: http://www.berrpet.com
Work: MIS Joined: 5/2001

Name: Tim Ellis Email: pvspam-pvdotcom@hacklabMAPS.net
Skills: Linux, computers, music, art, poetry URL: http://www.philovivero.com/
Work: Database administrator Joined: 11/1999

Name: Tim Coddington Email:
Skills: URL:
Work: Programmer Joined: 9/2001

Name: Timothy Dorsey Email: timdorsey@earthlMAPSink.net
Skills: Fixing things URL:
Work: SQL Server and Progress DBA Joined: 1/2010

Name: Timothy Thatcher Email: aidian-@-lugod-dMAPSot-org
Skills: Sysadmin, HPC, Clusters URL:
Work: Advanced Computing Joined: 6/2014

Name: Tom Edwards Email: tootie-t@pMAPSacbell.net
Skills: Awk, Perl, shell, Unix Sys V, HPUX URL:
Work: Systems manager Joined: 10/2000

Name: Tom Burnett Email:
Skills: Programming, Networking, Games URL: http://dilweed.myip.org/
Work: Student Joined: 1/2000

Name: Tom Curtis Email:
Skills: Surviving URL:
Work: Truss Designer Joined: 9/2004

Name: Tom Ghormley Email:
Skills: URL:
Work: Retired Joined: 2/2002

Name: Tom Trueblood Email: tom@tMAPSrueblood.com
Skills: URL:
Work: Joined: 3/1999

Name: Travis Engelman Email:
Skills: Linux URL:
Work: Student Joined: 7/2002

Name: Tres Melton Email:
Skills: C, C++, Networking, Security URL:
Work: Programmer Joined: 2/2001

Name: Trevor Michael Lango Email:
Skills: Living URL:
Work: Student Joined: 10/2003

Name: Troy Arnold Email: troy@zenMAPSux.net
Skills: PHP, Perl, Apache, Unreal Tournament URL:
Work: Self-employed geek Joined: 7/2002

Name: Tushar Rawat Email: tsrawat@ucdavisMAPS.edu
Skills: Database and web development URL:
Work: Joined: 3/2010

Name: Val Luck Email: val@luohMAPSua.com
Skills: Unix/Linux, Asian languages URL:
Work: System Admin Joined: 11/1999

Name: Vedder Wright Email: vwright@theworld.coMAPSm
Skills: Tinkering with Macintoshes, digital photography, multimedia, spatial design geometry URL: http://world.std.com/macintosh/
Work: Tech support / Tech writing / Mac development Joined: 9/2000

Name: Verbus Counts Email: verbus@gmailMAPS.com
Skills: Open Source Software Consultant URL:
Work: Project Manager Joined: 6/2000

Name: Victoria McDonnell Email:
Skills: URL: http://vmcdonnell.net/
Work: Joined: 7/2001


Note: E-mail addresses are displayed with the word 'MAPS' ('spam', backwards) inserted randomly, to confuse e-mail address harvesters used by spammers.

Remove those letters to get the real e-mail address.

If you wish to have your member listing changed, either by having the e-mail removed, adding a home page link, or just not listed, please e-mail webmaster@lugod.org.

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Sunset Systems
Sunset Systems offers preconfigured Linux systems, remote system administration and custom software development.

LUGOD: Linux Users' Group of Davis
Contact Us

LUGOD is a 501(c)7 non-profit organization
based in Davis, California
and serving the Sacramento area.
"Linux" is a trademark of Linus Torvalds.

Sponsored in part by:
Appahost Applications
For a significant contribution towards our projector, and a generous donation to allow us to continue meeting at the Davis Library.