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Recent LUGOD News

GoGrid slides available
Posted 2008-12-16 15:35:00
Slides from last night's presentation on cloud computing and hosting, and GoGrid's services, are now available (PowerPoint). Meeting minutes are also available.


Officers elected
Posted 2008-11-18 00:35:00
Running upposed, Bill Kendrick remains 'root' (president), Nick Schmalenberger remains 'typescript' (secretary) and Henry House remains '/dev/null' (treasurer). Noone was nominated for 'sys' (vice president), so Bill Kendrick continues filling that role until someone comes forward.


Planning for 10th anniversary
Posted 2008-11-17 15:30:00
A brief planning page has been constructed, to help make our 10th anniversary meeting in January go smoothly. If you'd like to help, or wish to donate some give-aways, let us know!


LUGOD officer elections begin tomorrow!
Posted 2008-11-16 16:25:00
Send your nominations for officers to typescript prior to tomorrow's meeting.


Plone Group joins LUGOD Installfest on Saturday
Posted 2008-11-05 00:20:00
Members of the Plone Users Group of Davis will be presenting a workshop on the Plone content management system during our Installfest workshop this Saturday, at UC Davis. (Don't forget to RSVP!)


"code_swarm" presentation slides and photos
Posted 2008-10-20 23:15:00
Now available: presentation slides (420KB PDF), photos and minutes from last night's LUGOD meeting.


Bylaws change regard elections
Posted 2008-10-20 22:20:00
Due to general meetings being held once per month, rather than twice, it now takes between one and two months for the nomination and election process for LUGOD's officers. President Bill Kendrick put forth a motion at tonight's meeting to change officer terms into year-long positions, with voting taking place once a year, in October. Bill Broadley seconded, and the vote passed with no objections (and one abstention). Our Bylaws have been adjusted, accordingly.


code_swarm talk tonight!
Posted 2008-10-20 10:00:00
LUGOD meets tonight at 7pm at the Davis Public Library for a presentation on code_swarm. (Officer nomations also begin!)


Installfest this Saturday
Posted 2008-09-25 12:25:00
LUGOD is holding a free Linux installfest workshop this Saturday at UC Davis. Please register by tomorrow if you'd like to bring a computer. Also, a discussion on the "pros and cons of partitioning" will take place at the event.


Photos from Software Freedom Day 2008
Posted 2008-09-22 18:10:00
Check out a few photos from LUGOD's table at Farmer's Market for Software Freedom Day.


See you at Farmers Market!
Posted 2008-09-19 18:10:00
LUGOD members will be at the Davis Farmer's Market tomorrow, celebrating Software Freedom Day '08. Drop by and say 'hi', and don't forget to send your friends over to visit us, too!


Flyer for Sept. Installfest
Posted 2008-09-18 17:30:00
A flyer is now available for Sept. 27th's Installfest Workshop. Please print and post!


libcrtxy slides online
Posted 2008-09-15 22:15:00
Slides from tonight's talk on libcrtxy are now online. Enjoy!


September Installfest scheduled
Posted 2008-08-30 15:40:00
Our next Installfest workshop will take place in the "Zinfandel" lounge at the Experimental College at UC Davis (upstairs in the South Silo building). Please be sure to register if you'd like to get Linux installed on your computer!


Siafoo slides and photos online
Posted 2008-08-19 14:05:00
David Isaacson and Stou Sandalski, creators of Siafoo, presented a great talk at last night's LUGOD meeting. Check out the photos, their presentation slides (770KB PDF) as well as minutes from the meeting's official business. Enjoy!


Flyers for upcoming meetings
Posted 2008-08-05 16:45:00
Flyers are available for our next four general meetings: August: Siafoo, September: libcrtxy, October: code_swarm and November: ZaReason.


Linux on Laptops
Posted 2008-07-23 19:00:00
Photos of the Linux on Laptops Roundtable, plus meeting minutes, are now available. Enjoy!


Registering for Software Freedom Day
Posted 2008-07-23 15:00:00
We are registering for SFD'08, and have updated our SFD and demo pages. We've requested 50 Ubuntu CDs from ShipIt, but burns of other discs would be appreciated (especially if Ubuntu can't get theirs to us in time!)


LinuxWorld Expo, Picn*x and Software Freedom Day
Posted 2008-07-22 01:10:00
LWE takes place in San Francisco August 4-7, and there will be a LUG booth! If you'd like to help, contact Jim Stockford of SF-LUG. The annual Linux anniversary picnic & BBQ takes place the following Saturday, August 9th. You can now RSVP. And finally, Software Freedom Day 08 will be on September 20th. LUGOD is hoping to hold a hands-on Linux demo, probably once again at the Davis Farmer's Market. Post a note to our 'vox-outreach' mailing list if you can help out!


Installfest tomorrow; Laptop roundtable Monday
Posted 2008-07-18 15:30:00
Don't forget, LUGOD is holding an Installfest workshop tomorrow at UC Davis. And on Monday, we're meeting at the Davis Public Library, where a number of members will be discussing Linux on laptops.


code_swarm talk in October
Posted 2008-06-20 12:05:00
Michael Ogawa of UC Davis' Visualization & Interface Design Innovation group (VIDI) and creator of code_swarm, a project used to organically visualized open source contributions (see this Slashdot article) has agreed to come speak at LUGOD. We've got him penciled in for our October 20th meeting.


Photos, minutes and handout from Monday's OpenSSL meeting
Posted 2008-06-18 17:40:00
You can now read over the meeting minutes, view the photos, and read the handout sheet from this past Monday's talk on OpenSSL.


LUGODers of the Quarter
Posted 2008-06-17 14:00:00
Alex Mandel and Chris McKenzie were both awarded as LUGODers of the Quarter at last night's meeting. We thank them for their many recent contributions, especially with running our Installfest workshops.


Calendar updated
Posted 2008-06-07 17:15:00
Once again we spent some time trawling local user group websites to find out what events are coming up, and have updated our calendar. Enjoy!


OpenStreetMap meeting minutes, photos and slides
Posted 2008-05-20 20:00:00
The special LUGOD meeting with GLOBAL last week as a great success. Check out the photos, the presentation slides (21MB PDF), and the minutes from the meeting. Enjoy!


LUGOD is at Whole Earth Festival!
Posted 2008-05-10 14:15:00
[Whole Earth Festival 2008] Chris McKenzie and Nick Schmalenberger put a LUGOD booth at Whole Earth Festival (at UC Davis) together at the last minute, and are staffing the booth this weekend (so far, alone!). If you can help, please drop by — our booth is near the solar array, north of the Quad Stage. Also, check out the photos. Thanks!


OpenStreetMap and May Installfest announced
Posted 2008-05-06 17:10:00
Our next general meeting will be on a special day, Friday May 16th at Giedt Hall at UC Davis. Steve Coast, creator of OpenStreetMap will be speaking. (Flyer)

The following day, Saturday May 17th, we'll be holding our next installfest. Please register if you'd like to bring your PC to this free workshop. (Flyer)


Whole Earth Festival 2008
Posted 2008-05-06 08:40:00
We just discovered that the WEF coordinators did receive our application, and we have a booth! A coordinator and volunteers are needed ASAP if we're going to attend this event! It's this weekend: Friday, May 9th thru Sunday, May 11th!


Photos from Yolo County Child Development Conference
Posted 2008-04-28 08:00:00
LUGOD's booth at the 2008 YCCDC was a success! You can see some photos, here. Enjoy, and thanks to our volunteers!


CTL slides and meeting minutes
Posted 2008-04-22 19:10:00
Last night's meeting's minutes and presentation slides (800KB PDF) on "CTL" are now available.


Officer Elections (mostly)
Posted 2008-04-22 09:35:00
Running unopposed, and with no objections from the attendance at last night's meeting, LUGOD's officers were elected: Bill Kendrick was elected root (president), Henry House was elected to remain /dev/null (treasurer), and Nick Schmalenberger was elected to remain typescript (secretary). Noone was nominated for sys (vice president), so Bill Kendrick currently maintains that position. Nominations continue to be open for sys; send your nomination to typescript.


Some handouts for the Child Development Conference
Posted 2008-04-13 11:20:00
We've started creating some handouts to give out at the Yolo County Child Development Conference, which you can find on our Handouts page. If you'd like to contribute something, please send it to us!


April LUGOD events
Posted 2008-04-01 11:25:00
This month at LUGOD:


Club changes
Posted 2008-03-18 09:20:00
At last night's meeting, LUGOD members voted to change our bylaws to end our long-running lending library. The rules for officer was also changed. In the past, nominations opened after Daylight Savings changes, but due to last year's change in Daylight Savings rules, the officership periods were no longer 6 months long. In the future, they will occur in April and October. Finally, a consensus was made to start LUGOD meetings at 7:00pm, rather than 6:30pm.


Our exhibit at Child Development Conf. confirmed
Posted 2008-03-15 14:15:00
LUGOD has received confirmation that we'll have a table at the Yolo County Child Development Conference in April. If you'd like to volunteer to staff the table, and/or can help created handouts (printed pamphlets, CDROMs, etc.), please post a message to our 'vox-outreach' mailing list, or send an email to Bill Kendrick.


LUGOD installfests moving!
Posted 2008-03-14 14:15:00
Beginning in April, our Installfest workshops will be held at the "Zinfandel Lounge" at the Experimental College at UC Davis. Our next Installfest will be on Sunday, April 13th, and you may register to attend now.


Posted 2008-03-11 17:00:00
Brian Lavender will be speaking at next Monday's LUGOD meeting (March 17th) about the Open Source Security Information Management project (OSSIM). Please join us!


LUG calendar updated
Posted 2008-03-08 11:20:00
We've updated the calendar of local and LUG events. Enjoy!


Geocaching talk online
Posted 2008-02-20 17:25:00
Meeting minutes, photos and presentation slides (3.5MB PDF) from this week's talk on GPS and geocaching are now online. Enjoy!


Project planning for LUGOD at the Yolo County Child Development Conference
Posted 2008-02-20 10:40:00
We've put together a project page for LUGOD's exhibit table at this April's Yolo County Child Development Conference.


LUGOD at the Yolo County Child Development Conference
Posted 2008-02-20 09:00:00
LUGOD will be attending the Yolo County Child Development Conference, which takes place on Saturday, April 26th at the Veterans' Memorial Center in Davis (next door to the library). We'll set up an event planning web page soon. In the meantime, if you'd like to find out more, or volunteer, contact Bill Kendrick, or post a message to LUGOD's 'vox-outreach' mailing list.


Installfest for Northern California schools
Posted 2008-02-16 14:45:00
Help spread open source software, help bridge the "Digital Divide", and help keep 12 tons of toxic computer equipment out of landfills! Untangle and the Alameda County Computer Resource Center are holding an installfest to put Linux on hundreds of refurbished old/discarded computers, which will be donated to Bay Area schools. It takes place Saturday March 1st, simultaneously in San Francisco, San Mateo, Berkeley and Novato. Sign-up to volunteer!


March Installfest scheduled
Posted 2008-02-15 17:35:00
We'll be holding a free Linux Installfest Workshop on Sunday, March 2nd at UC Davis. Please be sure to register ahead of time if you'd like to bring your computer to this event.


Photos from January's anniversary meeting
Posted 2008-02-15 10:10:00
Photos of "The Digital Tipping Point" talk at LUGOD's 9th birthday meeting in January are now online. Enjoy!


Geocaching with Linux at Feb. 18th meeting
Posted 2008-02-12 13:45:00
Wes Hardaker has offered to speak about geocaching with Linux at next Monday's meeting.


Events calendar updated
Posted 2008-02-11 05:30:00
Our calendar of local events has been updated. If you're looking for something local (or not so local) related to Linux (or not so Linux), check it out. Email us if you have any events you'd like listed.


Recycle your electronics this weekend
Posted 2008-01-14 13:30:00
An "e-waste" collection is taking place this Saturday (9am-4pm) at Fry's Electronics in Sacramento. More at ASL Recycling's website.


Come to LUGOD's 9th birthday!
Posted 2008-01-14 13:25:00
LUGOD celebrates our 9th year serving the Davis community, next Monday, January 21st at the Davis Public Library. Our guest speaker is the producer of The Digital Tipping Point, a documentary film series about open source software. We'll have free pizza and cake, too! More info on our meeting page.


Installfest on January 26th
Posted 2008-01-13 12:45:00
LUGOD is holding this year's first free Linux Installfest Workshop. Bring your computer to this event and volunteers will help you install and configure the Linux operating system! All day (10am-6pm) Saturday, January 26th at Kemper Hall, room 1131, at UC Davis. Please register ahead of time.


January Social cancelled; "Digital Tipping Point" flyer available
Posted 2007-12-29 19:00:00
January's regularly-scheduled social gathering landed on New Years, so we've decided to cancel that event. Join us on Monday, January 21st for a presentation on The Digital Tipping Point, a documentary film project about open source software, and to celebrate LUGOD's 9th birthday! A flyer for this event is also now available.


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LUGOD: Linux Users' Group of Davis
Contact Us

LUGOD is a 501(c)7 non-profit organization
based in Davis, California
and serving the Sacramento area.
"Linux" is a trademark of Linus Torvalds.

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Sunset Systems
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