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2007 Apr 16 12:49

LUGOD at the Government Technology Conference

What Is It?


The Government Technology Conference, held in Sacramento, is "the nation's largest and most respected technology conference for state and local government."

The kinds of people who attend GTC include: Agency Executives, Chief Administrative Officers, Chief Information Officers, City Managers, Computer Operations Managers, Contracts Managers, County Administrators, Data Processing Managers, Department Directors, Deputy Directors, Elected Officials, Finance Officers, IT Directors, MIS Directors, Procurement Officials, Program Managers, Programmers, Project Managers, Senior Program Analysts, Telecommunications Managers, and Web Managers.

LUGOD acquired booth space at the 2003 and 2004 GTC events, as well. Learn about our booth in 2004, and check out the photos from our 2003 exhibit.

LUGOD at GTC West 2007

LUGOD is hoping to attend this year's event, GTC West 2007, which takes place the week of May 14th.

Expo Floor hours are:

  • Wednesday, May 16th - 10:30am - 4:00pm
  • Thursday, May 17th - 10:30am - 4:00pm
  • Friday, May 18th - 9:30am - 1:00pm
If needed (see below), booth set-up would occur Tuesday. Break-down would take place immediately after the event, on Friday afternoon.

This year, Bart Battaglia (Director of Technical Resources of Stanfield Systems Inc. in Folsom) is organizing a "Professional Organizations of Sacramento" presence at the event, which LUGOD has been invited to take part in. Once specifics are known, they will be posted to LUGOD's event coordination list, vox-outreach, and eventually updates will appear here.

Where Is It?

GTC is held at:

Sacramento Convention Center
1400 J Street
Sacramento, CA.

(Interactive map at Maps.Yahoo.com.)

From Davis, and points west, take I-80 east towards Sacramento. Continue on Business-80 towards downtown. Then take I-5 north, and exit at J Street. The Convention Center is on the right, at 14th & J.

GTC West 2007 Floor Plan

Our Purpose:

  • To talk to people about Linux, and get the word out about the local Linux user community and user groups
  • To hand out pamphlets containing information about LUGOD, Linux and Open Source
  • To hand out CDs containing useful software:
    • Ubuntu
      A popular Linux CD that also acts as a 'Live CD'. (Available for free from Canonical's ShipIt.)
    • Knoppix
      A no-commitment, bootable 'Live CD' of Linux.
    • TheOpenCD and GNUWin II
      Collections of popular Open Source software, but compiled for Windows.


(Updated 2007-Apr-16)

  • GTC and WEF planning at April 16th LUGOD meeting
  • Coordination Meeting with Professional Organizations of Sacramento to discuss booth set-up and final check lists; scheduling of staffing the booth. (See Bart Battaglia's post to vox-outreach and later follow-up):
    Thursday, April 19, 5pm-7pm
    Celestin's Caribbean Restaurant
    1815 K St (Cross Street: 18th Street)
    Sacramento, CA 95814
    (916) 444-2423
    Map at CitySearch.com
  • Provide a sixty (60) word profile for the Conference Guide (due to GTC by April 6th). Send to Barrt at Prof. Orgs. of Sac. by April 4th.
    (See ExhibitorProfileFormW07.doc)
  • Review GTC Exhibitor Instructions. Provide feedback to Bart by April 4th.
  • Review GTC Product Locator. Provide feedback to Bart by April 6th.
  • GTC Exhibitor Personnel Registration -- volunteers who wish to staff the booth must visit the following page to obtain a badge. Please review by April 4th.
    GTC Exhibitor Personnel Registration page
  • For speaking opportunities, reivew the Speaker Application by April 9th
  • Furniture and Carpet Order for services is due April 23rd; General and Electrical Order for services is due May 7th
  • Provide all contact information, logos, registration links, meetings for 2007 and other information for submission to the SacramentoITevents.net website (which will be displayed at the booth). Due May 1st
  • Professional Organization profile on standard template (logo, abstract, contact info) is due April 27th.
  • ...for more, see Bart Battaglia's post to vox-outreach...


Name:Subramaniyam Pooni
Position:Organization / Volunteer
Coming From:Roseville
Name:Siva Prasad
Coming From:???
Name:Govind Tatachari
Coming From:???
Name:Bill Kendrick
Position:Coordination Help / Website Updates / Announcements
Attending:Cannot attend
Coming From:Mountain View
Name:Don Werve
Coming From:Sacramento
Name:Nick Schmalenberger
Coming From:Davis

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Hosting provided by:
Sunset Systems
Sunset Systems offers preconfigured Linux systems, remote system administration and custom software development.

LUGOD: Linux Users' Group of Davis
Contact Us

LUGOD is a 501(c)7 non-profit organization
based in Davis, California
and serving the Sacramento area.
"Linux" is a trademark of Linus Torvalds.

Sponsored in part by:
Appahost Applications
For a significant contribution towards our projector, and a generous donation to allow us to continue meeting at the Davis Library.