l i n u x - u s e r s - g r o u p - o f - d a v i s
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Aug. 13: Local Linux jobs
Page last updated:
2001 Jul 18 17:17
The Davis High School Committee was formed by Peter Salzman as a way of getting Linux into the classroom. We asked VA Linux Systems, the leading provider of Linux-based computers (and more), to donate a few machines to the local high school for the purpose of teaching students how to use and administer a real Unix system.

In turn, VA donated some state of the art machines on the condition that they be used by the students to learn Linux. LUGOD acknowledges the very generous donation made by VA Linux Systems, and we thank them on behalf of our group and the entire City of Davis. We hope to work closely with many of the students to teach them programming, system administration and the many high quality applications that are available on the Linux platform.

We also welcome the many DHS students who are LUGOD members and who regularly attend our informative twice-monthly meetings.

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Hosting provided by:
Sunset Systems
Sunset Systems offers preconfigured Linux systems, remote system administration and custom software development.

LUGOD: Linux Users' Group of Davis
Contact Us

LUGOD is a 501(c)7 non-profit organization
based in Davis, California
and serving the Sacramento area.
"Linux" is a trademark of Linus Torvalds.

Sponsored in part by:
O'Reilly and Associates
For numerous book donations.