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By Last Name By First Name By Join Date Search Officers Past Officers LUGODers Join

Members - By Last Name



Name: Owen Magee Email:
Skills: TCP/IP, Compilers, Python, Debian, Gentoo URL:
Work: Software engineer Joined: 7/2002

Name: Justin Magers Email:
Skills: RF/Microwave engineering URL: http://www.ece.ucdavis.edu/~jrmagers/
Work: Trimble Navigation, Ltd. Joined: 10/1999

Name: Hugo Mailhot Email: mailhot.hugo@gmaMAPSil.com
Skills: NLP, Machine learning URL:
Work: NLP consultant, PhD candidate Joined: 1/2016

Name: Alex Mandel Email: tech_dev@wildintellect.MAPScom
Skills: GIS, photography, PDAs, GPS URL: http://www.wildintellect.com/
Work: Grad student Joined: 8/2006

Name: Jeff Mandel Email: JEMandel@DireMAPSctvinternet.com
Skills: Java distributed apps URL: http://mandel.ucdmc.ucdavis.edu/
Work: Anesthesiologist Joined: 11/2000

Name: Rick Mansker Email:
Skills: Middleware, UIs URL: http://www.occamdev.com/
Work: Principal Joined: 6/2001

Name: David Margolis Email:
Skills: - URL: http://www.silogram.net
Work: Net admin., web developer, HTML, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, Apache, Slackware, Java Joined: 6/2002

Name: David Markman Email: markmandp@hotmail.coMAPSm
Skills: URL:
Work: Computer sales, service Joined: 3/2001

Name: John Marks Email:
Skills: OOP, GUI, Serial communications, Database URL:
Work: Software engineer Joined: 4/2000

Name: Michael Marlatt Email:
Skills: URL:
Work: Bike mechanic Joined: 2/2003

Name: Herb Marsden Email:
Skills: Welfare programs/services URL:
Work: Technical Government Services Consulting Joined: 5/2003

Name: Pedro Martinez Email: pjmartinezgarcia1@gmailMAPS.com
Skills: Genomic, bioinformatics URL:
Work: Postdoc Joined: 2/2014

Name: Richard Massa Email: ramassa@ucdMAPSavis.edu
Skills: URL:
Work: Unix Sysadmin Joined: 7/2003

Name: Carl McCabe Email: cmccabe77@MAPSgmail.com
Skills: Win/Mac/Linux/FreeBSD, perl, MySQL, etc. URL: http://cmccabe.freeshell.org/
Work: Student Joined: 9/2004

Name: Dick McCabe Email:
Skills: URL: http://www.ironmc.com/
Work: Ironworker Joined: 5/2002

Name: John McCants Email: JohnMcCants2@MAPShotmail.com
Skills: URL: http://blogandreview.com/sacramento/
Work: Craigslist barterer Joined: 1/2013

Name: Karstyn McCoy Email:
Skills: URL: http://www.hiscs.org/
Work: IT manager Joined: 4/2002

Name: Mikel Mcdaniel Email: mikelmcdaniel@gmaMAPSil.com
Skills: Networks URL:
Work: UCD Student Joined: 6/2011

Name: John McDonnell Email:
Skills: PHP, Kernel, Drivers URL: http://johnmc.org/
Work: SysAdmin, Programmer Joined: 7/2001

Name: Victoria McDonnell Email:
Skills: URL: http://vmcdonnell.net/
Work: Joined: 7/2001

Name: Terry McGiveran Email:
Skills: Economics URL:
Work: Retired, EECS Joined: 7/2002

Name: Christopher McKenzie Email:
Skills: URL:
Work: Student Joined: 1/2002

Name: Ian McKinnon Email:
Skills: Linux, Unix, Microsoft URL: http://www.innisfree.net/
Work: Consultant Joined: 6/2002

Name: Charles McLaughlin Email: cmclaughlin@ucdavisMAPS.edu
Skills: Web Development URL:
Work: SysAdmin Joined: 11/2002

Name: Steve McMahon Email: steve@dcn.davis.cMAPSa.us
Skills: URL:
Work: Software developer Joined: 8/1999

Name: Carl McMillin Email:
Skills: Windows, hardware design, ASM-to-OOD URL:
Work: Software engineer Joined: 6/2002

Name: Jim Medlin Email:
Skills: Systems Administration Manager URL:
Work: Objectstream Joined: 9/1999

Name: Tres Melton Email:
Skills: C, C++, Networking, Security URL:
Work: Programmer Joined: 2/2001

Name: Edmund Mendez Email:
Skills: New explorer to Linux URL:
Work: Joined: 3/2004

Name: Christopher Mendoza Email: christopher616@gMAPSmail.com
Skills: URL:
Work: Desktop support Joined: 6/2016

Name: Mario Meneses Email:
Skills: URL:
Work: Student Joined: 10/2001

Name: Chris Mercer Email: cmercer@cwMAPSnet.com
Skills: Network infrastructure URL: http://chrismercer.us/
Work: Professor Joined: 2/2016

Name: Sam Merritt Email:
Skills: URL:
Work: Joined: 5/1999

Name: Alan Miller Email:
Skills: URL:
Work: Student Joined: 9/1999

Name: Chris Miller Email: cjm@tryxMAPS.org
Skills: URL:
Work: Joined: 2/2014

Name: Paul Miller Email:
Skills: Small biz. communications, servers URL: http://millerco.net/tux
Work: Network installer Joined: 3/2001

Name: Scott Miller Email: scottlinux@gmMAPSail.com
Skills: Linux desktop and audio URL:
Work: Tech support Joined: 1/2008

Name: Rusty Minden Email:
Skills: Telecommunications URL:
Work: Telecomm. coordinator Joined: 7/2000

Name: Gene Miner Email:
Skills: PCs URL:
Work: Retired Joined: 4/2002

Name: Ghassan Misherghi Email:
Skills: URL:
Work: Student Joined: 1/2000

Name: Elissa Monteiro Email: elissa.monteiro@gmaMAPSil.com
Skills: URL:
Work: Research assistant Joined: 1/2016

Name: Adam Morris Email: nodus@erumpent.coMAPSm
Skills: Medical robotics URL:
Work: Programmer Joined: 7/2003

Name: Joshua Morris Email:
Skills: Full stack web development specializing in Ruby, PHP, HTML, CSS and JavaScript URL: http://joshualemorris.com
Work: Web engineer Joined: 1/2006

Name: Erik Mullinix Email: hesp@rainworks.orMAPSg
Skills: Linux in business URL: http://www.rainworks.org/
Work: Joined: 4/2001

Name: Bobby Mummon Email:
Skills: URL:
Work: Student Joined: 9/2001

Name: Kevin Murakoshi Email:
Skills: URL:
Work: Student Joined: 11/2000

Name: MK Murlas Email:
Skills: Linux in schools URL: http://www.itdc.edu/
Work: Computer training Joined: 9/2002

Name: Simon Murphey Email: n0.s0luti0n.1134@MAPSgmail.com
Skills: URL:
Work: Food server Joined: 1/2009

Name: Ken Murray Email: ken.murray@sbcglobaMAPSl.net
Skills: Intellectual property, Open Source licensing, Patents URL:
Work: Engineering Attorney Joined: 1/2003

Name: Mohammed Mussa Email: mhm@powerswitcMAPSh.net
Skills: C++, PHP, MySQL, WML, WMLscript, Matlab, OOP URL: http://www.powerswitch.net/
Work: Software Engineer Joined: 11/2000


Name: Seth Nagao Email: dokuja@dokuja.nMAPSet
Skills: Networking, Beowulf clusters URL: http://www.dokuja.net
Work: Joined: 2/2000

Name: Sathya Narayanan Email:
Skills: Applications Development; Networking URL:
Work: E-commerce development manager Joined: 6/2003

Name: Sherrie Navarro Email:
Skills: URL:
Work: Student Joined: 10/2001

Name: Daniel C. Nelson Email: packetcollision@MAPSgmail.com
Skills: Linux, LAMP stack, Ham radio URL: http://www.packetcollision.com/
Work: Systems administrator, Programmer, Student Joined: 1/2012

Name: Dave Nelson Email: dwnelson@dcn.orMAPSg
Skills: URL:
Work: Joined: 6/2000

Name: Hugh Nelson Email:
Skills: URL:
Work: Software Engineer Joined: 4/2002

Name: Cordell Newmiller Email: cjnewmil@hotmMAPSail.com
Skills: URL:
Work: Student Joined: 5/2002

Name: Jeff Newmiller Email: jdnewmil@dcn.davis.caMAPS.us
Skills: C/C++, SQL, routing, embedded programming, XML, solar power, juggling URL: http://www.dcn.davis.ca.us/~jdnewmil/
Work: Research Engineer Joined: 1/1999

Name: Karen Ng Email: karenyng@ucdavMAPSis.edu
Skills: Data analysis, big data URL: http://karenyyng.github.io/
Work: Physicist, Data Scientist Joined: 5/2016

Name: Edward Nieto Email: nietosac@gmail.MAPScom
Skills: URL:
Work: Environmental Engineer Joined: 12/2008

Name: Jeffrey Nonken Email: jnork@nonken.neMAPSt
Skills: URL: jnork.nonken.net
Work: Embedded software engineer Joined: 8/2005

Name: Steve Nyholm Email:
Skills: URL:
Work: Student Joined: 11/1999


Name: Lorie Obal Email:
Skills: Linux in business URL:
Work: Student, JC instructor Joined: 9/2002

Name: David O'Brien Email: obrien@freebsd.orMAPSg
Skills: URL:
Work: Joined: 5/1999

Name: Eric Olinger Email: evvl@rustedMAPShalo.net
Skills: Slackware, Linux from Scratch, Compiling, Scripting URL: http://evvl.rustedhalo.net/
Work: Programmer Joined: 7/2002

Name: Kyle Oliveira Email: kcoliveira@ucdavisMAPS.edu
Skills: Presentations, Demonstrations and Workshops URL:
Work: Student, Volunteer 4-H Leader Joined: 6/2006

Name: Eric Olsen Email: ericjolsen@gmMAPSail.com
Skills: Linux, PHP, MySQL, Bash, Windows 2003 URL:
Work: Network/System Admin Joined: 12/2008

Name: Jem Esat Orgun Email: jeorgun@gmailMAPS.com
Skills: URL:
Work: Student Joined: 1/2012

Name: Rick O'Shaughnessy Email: rosh@poboxMAPS.com
Skills: SQL/Perl URL:
Work: Joined: 10/2000

Name: Larry Ozeran Email:
Skills: URL: http://www.clinicalinformatics.com/
Work: Physician, Programmer Joined: 3/2001


Note: E-mail addresses are displayed with the word 'MAPS' ('spam', backwards) inserted randomly, to confuse e-mail address harvesters used by spammers.

Remove those letters to get the real e-mail address.

If you wish to have your member listing changed, either by having the e-mail removed, adding a home page link, or just not listed, please e-mail webmaster@lugod.org.

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LUGOD is a 501(c)7 non-profit organization
based in Davis, California
and serving the Sacramento area.
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