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2005 Jun 20 12:31

2005.06.07 Meeting Notes


  • Despite lots of posters around campus, and a posting on DavisWiki.org, attendance was low. No doubt due to the quarter ending at UC Davis.
  • Picn*x14, the Linux anniversary picnic will be taking place on Sunday, August 14th in Sunnyvale. RSVP and volunteer a www.linuxpicnic.org.

Project Reports

  • Demo - A demo will be taking place at the Davis Food Co-Op on Sunday, June 12th. (See www.lugod.org/projects/demo )

  • Installfests - No news. (Event on June 19th, tentatively.) Visit www.lugod.org/if for more.

  • LERT - No news. Send email to lert@lugod.org if you need emergency Linux help.

  • Library - No news. Send email to librarian@lugod.org if you'd like to borrow any books. (See www.lugod.org/library )

Other Business

  • Financial Report - $??.?? in voluntary dues were collected.


  • Brad Whitaker, LiveJournal.com & Frank Precissi, DeadJournal.com discussed conceptually what livejournal was (in comparison to blogging). Journaling is more of a diary for you and your network of friends, where as blogging is something that tends to get published for a general audiance.

    Livejournal has 7 million users and about 5000 hits per second at peak time. Holy moly. (Deadjournal has about 500,000 users but its because they don't want to deal with having 100s of service and that bandwidth and so forth).

    Presentation slides (OpenOffice.org Impress presentation)


  • 10 at first
  • ...more trickled in later

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LUGOD: Linux Users' Group of Davis
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LUGOD is a 501(c)7 non-profit organization
based in Davis, California
and serving the Sacramento area.
"Linux" is a trademark of Linus Torvalds.

Sponsored in part by:
EDGE Tech Corp.
For donating some give-aways for our meetings.