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2003 Feb 12 14:44

2003.01.19 Meeting Notes

Officer's Meeting

Engineering Unit II, Room 1131, UC Davis


  • Pete proposed we create a new document entitled "Procedures," which lists how certain things are done (e.g., how to advertise events, etc.) Bill suggested updating the club's current "howtos" and make them into the procedures.

    Rusty - IF. Henry - demos. Bill - PR, meeting space, speaker coord. Pete - mailing list management.

  • Kevin mentioned that UCD Bargain Basement has a projector that we could possibly get for around $300.

  • Pete suggested we purchase a year subscription for WineX from Transgaming. Bill pointed out that at the moment, the current demo machine is incapable of accellerated 3D graphics.

  • Pete suggested purchasing a new hard drive for the demo machine. ($95 for 80GB Western Digital 7200 RPM).

  • Pete suggested adding the position of "Ombudsmen" to the constitution. (Nickname: "daemon" or "init"?) This position would be responsible for making sure plans are being done. (e.g., by reminding officers of important dates, etc.). Bill suggested tabling the vote until Henry is present. Pete suggested Stephen (current secretary) take up the position. He agreed, until an actual officer is appointed or elected.

  • A bylaw is to be made to create the position of "mailman" (mailing list administrator). Pete Salzman has been acting as this position unofficially. Pete will write something up by 1/27.

  • Payment for the PO Box was due 12/31! We're not sure if Henry paid for it.

  • Mike will look into getting more t-shirts made (to sell to members and give to guest speakers). It seems LUGOD will be able to sell shirts ourselves (rather than having a member do it).

  • Bill, Mike and Rod Roark will work on setting up Anachron to e-mail reminders out to the 'vox-officers' list.

  • Domain name ownership. Bill Kendrick will talk to Steve. Pete Salzman supplied a form, and has offered to pay for ownership change.

  • Demo machine's LCD monitor has a loose video cable, and is showing strange green dots for certain colors at certain pixels.

  • LUGOD will look into getting an ATI Radeon 7000 which has both VGA and DVI out, solving all video card problems (speed, invisible mouse pointer, etc.) Costs: $60.


  • Bill Kendrick (root)
  • Mike Simons (sys)
  • Stephen Helms (typescript)
  • Rusty Minden (installfest coordinator)
  • Peter Salzman (cofounder)
  • Keven Murakoshi (of CS Club of UC Davis)

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based in Davis, California
and serving the Sacramento area.
"Linux" is a trademark of Linus Torvalds.

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