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2002 Dec 16 16:22

2002.12.15 Meeting Notes

Officer's Meeting

Salzman residence, Davis


  • Open - Meeting opened at 6:30pm.

  • Honorary Officers - Henry motioned that we make Pete an honorary officer, with the title of 'Founder,' and with voting rights at officer meetings. Seconded by Bill Kendrick. Motion passed with no objections. Henry will write up bylaw changes to accomodate honorary officer positions by the Jan. 7th LUGOD meeting.

  • Mailing List Admin. Officer - Pete motioned that we create a new appointed officer: mailing list administrator. (Bill suggested the 'nickname' be "mailman.") Seconded by Bill. Motion passed with no objections.

  • Projector - (Henry's line item.) Pete suggested that an adhoc committee be formed to look into getting a projector. Stephen suggested we look for a donation from a large business with a local concern, like Target. Pete suggested contacting DCN. Initial members would be Mike Simons, Bill Kendrick, and Kevin Murakoshi from the UCD CS Club (if he accepts). Seconded by Pete. Motion passed with no objections.

  • Tables at Meetings - Pete commented it would be nice if we had tables set up at meetings. Bill and Mike will try to put out additional tables at meetings at the library.

  • Financial Report - We have approx. $910. An updated report will be on the website by the end of the week. Henry suggested we come up with a budget.

  • Comic Press - A check to the Comic Press News for advertising has still not been cached. We need to contact them. (Amount is for ~$75.)

  • Reimbursements - Henry reminded all officers that they should NOT accept receipts from members without getting a reimbursment form.

  • LUGOD.org Domain Transfer - We would like to take over ownership of the LUGOD.org domain from Steve Wormley. (The domain would be owned by LUGOD, the organization, and not any one member.) Bill motions to transfer ownership of domain. Henry seconded. Motion passed with no objections.

  • LUGOD.org Registrar Change - Henry suggested using Ghandi as a registrar. Bill motioned to move registrar from Register.com to Ghandi. Henry seconds. Motion passed with no objections.

  • Periodic Reminders - Mike listed things which the officers need periodic reminders for:
    • PO Box payment (yearly; by Dec. 31st)
    • Officer nominations (first meeting after Daylight Savings time changes)
    • Scheduling the room at the library (3 months in advance of each meeting)
    • Coordinating getting the Installfest room opened (Thurs. or Fri. prior to the Sunday installfest)
    • Scheduling ~monthly hands-on demos
    • Scheduling ~monthly Officer meetings
    • Updating singature cards when treasurer officership changes

    We'll use 'anachron' on the LUGOD.org hosting server (Rod Roark's box) to send e-mails to the vox-officers mailing list.

  • LinuxWorld Expo NYC - LWE sent LUGOD 10 free passes to LWE NYC (taking place in January). We'll give away what we can at the next meeting. Pete will be in NYC for the holidays, and will try to hook up with NYC LUGs to pass the tickets on. Bill will e-mail LWE to thank them, and ask if we should expect a similar packet for the next LWE (in SF or SJ).

  • PO Box Key - Pete Salzman gave the PO Box key he had to Bill Kendrick. (Mike Simons still holds the other.) Mike will continue to try to check the box prior to each meeting and officers meeting.

  • Officers Meetings - Officers will try to meet monthly, probably after installfests.

  • Bundling events - For his own travel purposes, Mike has suggested trying to 'bundle' LUGOD events when possible. Often, Installfests take place the day before a meeting. Scheduling a demo for the day before the installfest seems reasonable. Henry will try to do that.

  • Hardware inventory - Mike gave a summary of the hardware LUGOD has. We're considering skeletonizing the demo box VA donated to us as the one Z-World donated is faster.

  • VMWare and Win4Lin - Pete gave Mike the License Certification for VMWare that LUGOD received, and will also give him the Win4Lin license. (Both donated by their respective companies.) Mike will look into whether one copy of Windows can be used by both environments. (It is likely.) Bill will make an open call for donations of Windows software (e.g., an old copy of Photoshop...) to install on the demo machine, once VMWare and Win4Lin are working. Stephen is planning to donate a laptop harddrive and its corresponding license for Windows95 to LUGOD.

  • PC Super Show - We cannot sell CDROMs at the event (firstly, because we're a 501(c)7, and cannot sell items; secondly, even if we could, we'd need a seller's permit from the state). We'll suggest a donation of $1 or more to 'get a free CD.' Bill will e-mail the event coordinators to get clarification on parking (is it free?), whether a table is supplied (or just space for one), and how many people we can have at the show.

  • Kiosk - Bill is still working on the kiosk. It may need to wait until KDE 3.1.0 is stable and released. DCN and Omsoft, last we checked, are not in a big hurry. 3.1.0 is scheduled for a Jan. 2003 release.

  • City of Davis A-to-Z Guide - Deadline is December 16th. Payment has not been sent, and no word back from the contact at the city. Bill (or Mike) may need to drop off a check, if they need payment by tomorrow. (They may only need confirmation.)

  • T-Shirts - Pete suggested LUGOD purchase more t-shirts to give away to speakers. Bill suggested we get them made by DesignWorks, rather than buying CafePress shirts, as they are more expensive. We'd like to offer shirts to members, but that means LUGOD will not be making the order and selling them to members. (Bill has done it personally in the past, and LUGOD purchased shirts from him directly.) Mike will coordinate shirts this time (and, again, LUGOD will buy some to give to speakers).

  • Close of Meeting - Stephen motioned to close the meeting at 8:50pm. Seconded by Bill. Closed with no objections.


  • Bill Kendrick - root (president) p.r. officer / webmaster
  • Mike Simons - sys (vice president)
  • Stephen Helms - typescript (secretary)
  • Henry House - /dev/null (treasurer) / librarian
  • Pete Salzman
  • Melissa Hardenbrook
  • Rhonda Bailey

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LUGOD: Linux Users' Group of Davis
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LUGOD is a 501(c)7 non-profit organization
based in Davis, California
and serving the Sacramento area.
"Linux" is a trademark of Linus Torvalds.

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O'Reilly and Associates
For numerous book donations.