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2002 Dec 16 16:00

2002.08.02 Meeting Notes

Officer's Meeting

House Agricultural, Davis


  • Debian Donation - Pete donated Debain 3.0 ver.0 discs. 8 CDROMs, binary for Intel.

  • Davis Library - There's a $10 charge for food (although it may just be for using the kitchen; we'll need to confirm, and find out if we can simply pay on the day of the meeting, IF we have food).

    There's a $5.00/hr charge for staying after library hours (9pm).

    The library may be able to get us network if needed. We will ask for it.

  • Meeting Schedule - To try to make sure meetings go more quickly and smoothly, we've settled on:

    • 5:30 - 6:00 - Set-up
    • 6:00 - doors open
    • 6:30 - 7:15 - Introductions, meeting business, games, etc.
    • 7:15 - 8:45 - Presentation.
    • 8:45 - 9:00 - Break-down.

    We should ask speakers whether they want questions during or after their talk.

    Mike Simons will be running the next meeting, to wet his feet.

  • 4-H - Needs another coordination meeting. Henry is going to back down from the talk, since he is busy every Saturday, and we're well staffed already (Bill, Nicole, Richard, Mike).

  • Jon 'maddog' Hall - Mike Simons has offered his place for Jon to crash the night of the meeting.

  • LERT - Update LERT page. Add a form to search Usenet groups (via Google) and our mailing lists, so people can research on their own before asking for a LERT call.

    Make a LERT call request form on the web page. It can include a check-list ("have you checked Google," "have you posted to vox-tech," etc.)

  • Web pages - Pete has asked that everyone (e.g., Bill and Henry) sign their scripts, so people know who's responsible for what code.

  • Library - Software, magazines and distros. sections still need updating!

  • Kylix - Invite Borland back to speak about the new version of Kylix. (Mike has contact info.)


  • Pete Salzman - root (president)
  • Mike Simons - sys (vice president)
  • Melissa Hardenbrook - typescript (secretary)
  • Henry House - /dev/null (treasurer) / librarian
  • Bill Kendrick - p.r. officer / webmaster

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based in Davis, California
and serving the Sacramento area.
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