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2002.03.18 Meeting Notes
- AMD reports many working on its Hammer 64-bit processor are from the
ex-Alpha CPU team at DEC.
- AOL changing from IE to Mozilla.
- SuSE 8.0 coming April 22nd.
- Mandrake 8.2 out - Mandrake requesting money
- Althon XP chips can be modified for use on dual-MP motherboards.
- Microsoft monopoly case goes to penalty phase.
- Many Java engines have vunerabilities (incl. Netscape 6.1's)
- zlib has a memory bug which may cause vunerabilities.
- PHP3/PHP4 file-upload code can lead to remote command execution.
- GNU's HURD will finally be ready by the end of the year.
- WINE has moved to LGPL.
Project Reports
- Demo - The next demo will probably be Sat. March 23rd at the
Davis Food Co-Op at 3pm.
- Installfests - Our last Installfest was yesterday. About 12
people showed up.
- LERT - No news.
- Library - No news.
Other Business
- California 4-H Presentation - Henry House and possibly
Nicole Carlson and Bill Kendrick, will be representing LUGOD at a
presentation to California 4-H kids at a leadership conference in the
coming months. Details are still being ironed out.
- Game - John Alden won a copy of Heretic II for making the
closest guess as to how many lines of C code a Fortran95 compiler is made
of: 200,000.
- Raffle - We raffled off two Ikea plush penguins (Rod Roard and
Tom won them), a copy of theKompany's "Kivio" design tool (Zach Johnson
won it), and two DVD movies: Antitrust (Han won it) and
AI: Artificial Intelligence, which, in an amazingly ironic stroke
of luck, our speaker, Dr. Wallace, won!
- Food - Steve Nguyen of TekSystems recruiting in Sacramento
brought three deli sandwhiches, which were devoured within minutes.
LUGOD then bought 8 pizzas, which didn't last much longer.
- Financial Report - $98.96 in voluntary dues were
- Pete Salzman
- Henry House
- Bill Kendrick
- Rhonda Bailey
- Melissa Hardenbrook
- Alexandra Thorn
- Gabe Rosa
- Marianne Waage
- Joel Baumert
- Nicole Carlson
- Rod Roark
- Foo Lim
- Jeff Newmiller
- Matt Johnson
- Dr. Richard S. Wallace
- Mike Simons
- Seth Nagao
- Seth Z.
- Brian Lavender
- Marc Hasbrouck
- Ryan
- Mark K. Kim
- Stephen Helms
- Eric
- Mike Simons
- Zach Johnson
- Jeff DeFay
- Han
- John Alden
- ... and about 15-20 others
Photos of this meeting.
Quote of the Meeting:
- "But you're nicer than I am" - Pete Salzman to Nicole Carlson,
on why she'd be a better speaker for the 4-H presentation.
- "I called my friend and said, 'I've committed the cardinal sin of
computer science.' 'Oh no!,' he said, 'You've written a new
[programming] language!'" - Dr. Wallace
- "The brain is a really sh***y computer. The last thing I'd build a
computer out of is meat." - Dr. Wallace