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2008.10.20 Meeting Notes
Davis Public Library
Project Reports
- Installfests —
The next IF should be November 8th. (The room still needs to be booked.)
- LERT — No news.
- Library — No news.
Other Business
- Software Freedom Day — SFD took place September 20th.
We held a successful booth at the Davis Farmer's Market, and it's
estimated that we gave out 40-50 software CDs.
- Election Changes —
Bill Kendrick put forth a motion to alter LUGOD's Bylaws such that
elections occur only once per year, at the October meeting (rather than
twice a year, as has been the case in the past). Bill Broadley seconded
the motion. A vote was taken with no objections, and one abstention.
- LUGOD Elections —
LUGOD officer nominations began today. Bill Kendrick was nominated
to continue as root (president), and Nick Schmalenberger was nominated
to continue as typescript (secretary). Voting beings at the next
general meeting (November 17th).
- Financial Report — No voluntary dues were collected,
however we received a $200 donation from Tim Riley.
- Michael Ogawa, Ph.D student in the Computer Science program at
UC Davis, and member of the Visualization and Interface Design
Innovation Group at UCD, discussed and demonstrated his 'organic software
visualization tool,' "code_swarm".
- Presentation slides
(420KB PDF)
- Photos of this meeting
- Bill Kendrick
- Alex Mandel
- Scott Miller
- Joe Arruda
- Bill Broadley
- Nick Schmalenberger
- Michael Ogawa
- Chris
- Richard Harke
- Martin H.
- Hugh Sanji
- Tim Riley
- Kenneth
- Tom
- Gilbert
- Brian
- Chris Horsting