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2004.04.06 Meeting Notes
- Sun antitrust settlement with Microsoft has been settled.
- Some say Sun is afraid of Linux; others say the next Microsoft OS may be
based on Solaris!? Maybe Java will become Open Source??
- A Microsoft vs. European Union settlement has occured.
- SVLUG meets tomorrow in San Jose. Lawrence Rosen, general counsel of
the Open Source Initiative will speak.
- "Configuring autofs" talk at North Bay LUG in Sebastopol next Tuesday.
- SGI speaks at SacLUG next Wednesday (and returns to the area to speak
in Davis at our next meeting!)
- Also next Wednesday, a MythTV (personal video recorder software for
Linux) presentation at CVALE in Modesto. Some people seem interested
in carpooling...
Project Reports
- Demo - The last hands-on Linux demo was on Saturday,
March 20th from 2pm to 7pm at the Davis Food Co-Op. Bill Kendrick
and Trevor Largo showed off Trevor's Gentoo laptop. Bill broke his
Zaurus! Mikal followed Trevor from the Installfest to get more help
installing Gentoo on his own laptop. Todd Trichler from Oracle stopped
by after the Installfest, with Mike Simons and Daphne. We headed out to
Sophia's Thai Recipes and met a few others, and Oracle bought! (Thanks!)
The next demo will be at the Co-Op on Saturday, April 17th. No demo
in May due to Whole Earth Festival and, hopefully, GTC!
- Installfests - The last Installfest was on Saturday, March 20th.
It went well, with 9 RSVPs, and 2 no-shows. (We got into the room a little
late, though.) Getting network was a problem, but worked out eventually.
Todd Trichler from Oracle bough pizza for the event! A few people from the
UCD Med. Center showed up to work on server installs. We could have done
with a few additional installers (volunteers)! $15 in donations were
Jonathan agrees that having Saturday Installfests at the Davis Library
might be a good idea, though we're limited to port 80 (HTTP) network
connections. (We might want to ask if they can allow port 22 (SSH) as
The next Installfest will be on Sunday, April 18th.
No word on Installfest in May and beyond.
- LERT - No report.
- Library - We unfortunately did not get a chance to pick books
from our Lending Library for the Iraqi LUG donation event at the
Freedom Technology Center in Mountain View last month. Bill Kendrick
and Dave Margolis donated some books from their personal collections,
Other Business
- Presentation for Sacramento Management Information Systems
Association - Edward Elliott of LUGOD did a very professional,
business-oriented presentation on Open Source for SacMISA at their
March 25th meeting. SacMISA appeared to be a student organization, and
around 10 people attended. The presentation was well-received!
- Whole Earth Festival - No new updates. So far as we know,
we'll be there! (May 7th-9th at UC Davis).
- Government Technology Conference - No response to our latest
email regarding attending. Bill will ping to see if there's a chance
we can attend. (May 10th-14th at Sacramento Convention Center).
- Officer Nominations - Officer nominations opened at tonight's
meetings. Bill Kendrick declined nomination, and will be
stepping down as president since he's moving out of Davis soon.
Stephen Matthew Helms declined nomination to continue as Secretary.
Accepted nominations included:
Bill Kendrick nominated Mike Simons for Vice President;
Mike Simons nominated Henry House for Treasurer;
Dmitriy Ivanov nominated Ryan Castellucci for President.
Nominations are open until the next meeting (April 19th), when
elections begin. Email '' with your nominations.
(You may nominate yourself.)
- Financial Report - $39.08 in voluntary dues were
- Tim
- Ed O'Neill
- Emily Stumpf
- Doug Barbieri
- Stephen Matthew Helms
- John McDonnell
- Jennifer Stickel
- Richard Harke
- Ken Herron
- Dave
- John Reynolds
- Amy
- Manuel
- Adam
- Bill Washington
- 'Sneakers'
- Jonathan Stickel
- Nick
- Allan Hollander
- Paul
- Dennis Boyd
- Roger Hansen
- Hans Uhlig
- Marc Hasbrouck
- Seth Nagao
- Ryan Castellucci
- Dmitriy Ivanov
- Chris
- John Ferro III
- Mike Simons
- Bill Kendrick
- ...and 1 other