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2003.12.02 Meeting Notes
- SVLUG meets tomorrow in San Jose. Paul F. Kunz from the Stanford
Linear Accelerator Center will present 'Bringing the Web to America.'
- WiFi Planet conference in San Jose, Dec. 3 thru 5.
- SVBUG (BSD User Group) meets Thur. in San Jose. 3rd spam avoidance
- Bay Area Debian meets in Berkeley on the 10th.
- A number of Debian servers were compromised recently, via a sniffed
password, and a rootkit that took advantage of a recent kernel integer
overflow bug. Debian servers were taken offline, inspected, and most
brought back online within two or three days. The bug is fixed in 2.4.23,
and has been ported to 2.4.18 in Debian.
Project Reports
- Demo - Henry will contact the co-op to schedule a demo for the
afternoon of Sat. January 17th.
- Installfests - Jason Aldrich and Seth Nagao both offered to help
out as Installfest coordinators. Jonathan Stickel offered, but only
once every other IF, and only if the IFs were on Saturdays. Members
commented that it might make sense to alternate IF days, similar to how
we alternate general meetings. The next IF is planned for December 21st.
- LERT - No news.
- Library - Jason Aldrich donated a CDROM with copies of O'Reilly's
free Safari-released books.
Other Business
- Financial Report - $15.35 in voluntary dues were
- Bill Kendrick of New Breed Software (and LUGOD) did a presentation on
Open Source kid's software for Linux (and other platforms).
Presentation notes
- Bill Kendrick
- Henry House
- Doug Barbieri
- Jason Aldrich
- David
- Ryan Castellucci
- Mike Simons
- Asok Datla
- Ken Bloom
- Jeff Rousch
- Seth Nagao
- Jonathan Stickel
- Brian Yates
- Dave Nelson