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Page last updated:
2003 Jul 12 19:51

2003.06.16 Meeting Notes


  • Pete Salzman (LUGOD founder) and Rhonda Bailey (past treasurer) got married yesterday!

  • ISSA Security User Group (a government organization) meets on June 19th. Some LUGOD members will attend; they may want some talks on Linux-related topics at a small expo they'll be holding on November 4th and 5th. They meet at Calpers in Sacramento.

  • Herakles is still offering a tour of their colocation facilities in Sacramento some time soon. Contact Mike Simons for details.

  • Mike Simons and others discussed recent Sco news (too much / too fast to write down for the minutes!)

Project Reports

  • Demo - No demo scheduled at the moment.

  • Installfests - Yesterday's Installfest was cancelled, due to Father's Day, the end of the UC Davis school year, and the resulting low sign-ups (and low volunteer commital). The next IF will be Sunday, July 20th, before the big EFF meeting.

  • LERT - No news.

  • Library - No news.

Other Business

  • AmiWest 2003 - The Sacramento Amiga Computer Club invited LUGOD to participate in this year's "AmiWest 2003" show in Sacramento. Unfortunately, it would cost $150 to take part, and since we're still not quite able to afford a projector, and have spent a lot at other shows recently, we can't afford to this year.

  • LinuxWorld Expo - We're still slowly planning our exhibit at LWE this August. A few more volunteers can still sign up for exhibitor passes! Contact Bill Kendrick.

  • Picnix12 - Linux Anniversary Picnic - The website has been updated some, with a Twiki content managemen system installed. www.linuxpicnic.org. Oracle might be donating about $2000 to cover the cost of the event (renting the park, food, etc.)! Volunteers are still needed; especially people willing to cook. Contact Bill Kendrick or Mike Simons.

  • California 4-H Leadership Conference - Reminder: LUGOD will be present at this year's 4-H conference at UC Davis. We'll re-do last year's talk on Linux and Open Source. Our session will be on Sunday, August 10th, 9am-10am. Mike Simons reminded us that volunteers got some tasty free cookies last year! :^)

  • Adopt-A-Highway - No news regarding the adopt-a-highway plan. Only one volunteer has come forward, so we need 4 more willing to help clean up roads, and two people to be coordinators. Contact Mike Simons if you're interested!

  • LUGOD at SacPCUG - Bill Kendrick and Paul Miller have contacted the Sacramento PC Users Group (SacPCUG) to see if they're interested in talks on Linux (with Knoppix CDs as hand-outs) and OpenOffice.org, respectively. Doug Barbieri and Michael Wenk have offered to burn Knoppix discs, and Paul Miller has found someone (Sun?) willing to donate a collection of OpenOffice.org CDs.

    The folks at SacPCUG would like both talks the same night (they often have two guest speakers at each meeting), and so far we haven't heard which meeting we'll be scheduled for. It may be their July meeting. (July 16th)

  • Financial Report - $17.00 in voluntary dues were collected.


  • Gabriel Rosa did a presentation on NVidia's "Cg" shader language, which allows programmers to manipulate vector data and pixels within the graphics rendering pipeline inside an accelerated 3D video card. (This has been possible in the past, but was done using assembly language. Cg has abstracted it, meaning the same code can work on a variety of hardware!)

    Presentation notes (External link)



  • Mike Simons
  • Bill Kendrick
  • Brian Deeney
  • Jeff Newmiller
  • Daphne Pareas
  • Jeff Rousch
  • Doug Barbieri
  • Michael Wenk
  • Richard Harke
  • Mark Kim
  • Gabe Rosa
  • Doug Fisk
  • Dmitriy Ivanov
  • Emily Stumpf
  • Frank
  • Tim S.
  • Ryan Castelluci
  • Stephen Helms
  • Sathya Narayana
  • ...and two others

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Hosting provided by:
Sunset Systems
Sunset Systems offers preconfigured Linux systems, remote system administration and custom software development.

LUGOD: Linux Users' Group of Davis
Contact Us

LUGOD is a 501(c)7 non-profit organization
based in Davis, California
and serving the Sacramento area.
"Linux" is a trademark of Linus Torvalds.

Sponsored in part by:
EDGE Tech Corp.
For donating some give-aways for our meetings.