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2003.04.21 Meeting Notes
- Embedded Systems Conference is taking place in San Francisco this week.
Free passes may still be available. Some of us are going on
Thursday, since we'll get to go to the Metreon (a giant arcade/etc.) for
- Oracle9i with OCFS on Linux was tested for scalability by Merrill Lynch
and apparently did quite well.
- hp/Intel Itanium Programming Workshop at UC Davis (Bainer building)
will take place tomorrow, 10am to 3:30pm. Open to UCD Students and now
also to LUGOD and SacLUG members. RSVP with Vivian Nalbone.
(See front page for her e-mail address.)
- Slashdot Meet-up in Sacramento this Thursday.
- RoseLUG "Linux Installation / Training / App class" (a kind of
Installfest with training) will take place at the Wellspring School in
Roseville this Saturday, April 26th, from 10am to 4pm. RSVP at
- RoseLUG meets next Monday, April 28th. Anniversary meeting!
The topic will be "Linux Device Drivers: How to find them / How to install
- LUGOD meets again on Tuesday, May 6th. Roy Greenwood from IBM's
Linux Impact Team will be talking about IBM and Linux!
- SVLUG meets Wed., May 7th. Sony will demonstrate their
"Linux for the PlayStation2" kit.
- Whole Earth Festival takes place at UC Davis Friday, May 9th through
Sunday, May 11th (Mother's Day). LUGOD will have a booth there.
- Tuesday, May 13th NBLUG meets in Sebastopol. "Linux for the
- Wednesday, May 14th SacLUG meets. "Snort and Acid" (intrusion detection)
Project Reports
- Demo - No updates. (April had Picnic Day at UC Davis,
May will have Whole Earth Festival at UC Davis.)
- Installfests - Yesterday was Easter, so there was no
Installfest. Our next Installfest will be on Sunday, May 18th.
- LERT - No report.
- Library - The UCD CS Department were giving away books. Nicole
Carlson picked up "C++: An Introduction to Computing" and "Bulletproof
Unix." James Furukawa donated his copy of "RedHat Linux 6 Server."
Oracle donated a copy of "Oracle9i JDeveloper Handbook."
Other Business
- Picnic Day - LUGOD shared space with the CS Club at UC Davis for
Picnic Day. (It rained, of course.) We handed out many Knoppix and
a few GNUWinII CDs. Thanks to Michael Wenk and Jonathan Stickle for
providing the discs. Bill Kendrick helped the CS Club's Computer Museum
display by bringing a bunch of Atari games.
- Whole Earth Festival - May 9th-11th is WEF at UC Davis.
We'll have a table there. (LUGOD has a folding table, and Mike Simons
can bring one chair.) Volunteers and CD burns are needed.
If you'd like to help out, post to 'vox-outreach.'
- May 19th LUGOD - We can't meet a the Library, so we're thinking
of having a dinner party and/or LAN party. If you're interested in helping
put one, the other, or both events together, please contact
Bill Kendrick.
- LinuxWorld Expo - LWE will take place in San Francisco
(Moscone Center) from Monday August 4th through Thursday August 7th.
LUGOD has signed up for a free booth at the ".org Pavillion" of the expo
(5th through 7th). We'll get 5 sessions passes good for any one session
(not tutorials) in any conference track. We can also purchase conference
passes with a 30% discount. Volunteers are needed to help staff our
booth. Mike Simons may be able to provide some 'crash space' in Dublin
for volunteers. If you can help, post to 'vox-outrach.'
- Picnix12 - Linux Anniversary Picnic - SVLUG, EBLUG, and
LUGOD are organizing another picnic at the Sunnyvale Baylands Park
on August 9th (the Saturday following LinuxWorld Expo in San Francisco).
There's capacity for 600 people (last year's drew 200; we hope to top that).
It's hoped we'll be able to provide free food. Total estimated cost for the
event (food and renting the park) is $1000-1500. In the past, corporate
sponsors and t-shirt sales have offset this. If you're interested in
helping, contact Bill Kendrick or Mike Simons from LUGOD, and visit
- California 4-H Leadership Conference - LUGOD is scheduled for
a session on Sunday, August 10th from 9am to 10pm. If you're interested
in helping out, contact Bill Kendrick or post to 'vox-outreach'.
- Officer Nominations Open - All current officers were re-nominated
for their current positions. (Bill Kendrick as root, Mike Simons as sys,
Stephen Helms as typescript and Henry House as /dev/null. Henry was not
present, but was warned of his impending nomination. No officer declined
- Oracle Give-aways - Oracle Technology Network gave away
copies of "Oracle9i / Application Server / J2EE Web Services / Developer CD"
and a 3-pack of discs entitled "Oracle 9i Database Release 2 ( for
- Financial Report - $38.71 in voluntary dues were collected.
- Mark Fasheh, with help from Todd Trichler, of Oracle, talked about
Oracle's Open Source (GPL'd) "Oracle Clustering File System" kernel module
for Linux.
Presentation notes
- Bill Kendrick
- Mike Simons
- Stephen Helms
- Jeff Rousch
- Harry Souders
- Ryan Castelluci
- Marc Hasbrouck
- Daphne Pareas
- Dmitriy Ivanov
- Ken Herron
- Emily Stumpf
- (Elizabeth) Paulette Jaeger
- Doug Huckaba
- Karl Wiggins
- Eso Crnovrsanin
- Eric Pierce
- Jonathan Isler
- Mark Fasheh
- Todd Trichler
- Nicole Carlson
- Troy
- Eric Engelhard
- Ed O'Neill
- Richard Harke
- Eso Crnovrsanin
- Jeff Newmiller
- Matt Johnson
- Brian Lavender
- Mike Altarriba
- James Furukawa
- Mike
- Mark Brighton
- David Chaney
- Sam Blaire
- John Reynolds
- Dan Dorsey
- Larry
- 3 students
- 4 kernel hackers
- 2 visitors from the Sacramento Oracle Users Group (SacOUG)
- 3 users of Linux in corporate environments
After Meeting Gathering
Todd from Oracle bought us lots of snacks and appetizers at The Crepe Bistro
after the meeting!