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2002.05.07 Meeting Notes
- CA congressman Joe Baca (D) introduced HR 4645, a bll which will
make it illegal to sell videogames to minors that depict decapitation,
murder, car jackings, drug use, etc.
- Virus infects a worm - Chernobyl, a 4-year-old virus, is making a comeback.
It has somehow infected the recent Klez worm which has been spreading
wildly between Windows users lately.
- VA rep. Rick Boucher (D) says he has sufficient support to introduce
a bill that will dismantel the DMCA. He plans to rewrite section 1201
which says "no person shall circumvent a technological measure that
effectively controls access to a work protected under this title."
- RedHat Linux 7.3 was released. Mandrake 8.2 coming soon.
- CNN reports that Microsoft has more liquid assets (i.e., cash) than
Ford, Exxon/Mobil, and Wal-Mart... COMBINED. Enough to buy the world
airline industry... twice. More money that Fort Knox has... four times
over. Enough to buy 23 space shuttles. Enough to buy every single
baseball, basketball, football and hockey team in the US.
(That's $40bn.)
- Intel is releasing the 850E chipset, which supports a 533MHz
front-side bus (FSB). Fasted CPU speed so far is 2.53GHz.
- OpenOffice has hit 1.0.
- OpenSSH has a vulnerability for remote exploit, but only if configured
with Kerberos and AFS support enabled.
- A book on IA-64 Linux Kernel development has been published.
- Netcraft's most recent survey shows Apache usage at 64.38%. Microsoft IIS
is only at 27.15. Both are climbing slowly. IIS slightly faster than
Project Reports
- Demo - The last demo was on Sat. April 27th. Mike Simons
got everything but sound (and possibly 3D accelleration) working
on our demo box, including a full, local Debian mirror!
VMWare donated a single workstation license which we will install on
the demo machine, to demonstrate Windows-under-Linux.
Coincidentally, CodeWeavers donated copies of CrossOver Office and
CrossOver Plugin, which we will also install on the demo machine.
- Installfests - Our last Installfest was on April 21st.
About 10 machines were present. Nothing spectacular to report.
- LERT - No LERT news.
- Library - Mandrake donated a boxed copy of 8.1 which we are
entering into our library.
Other Business
- California 4-H Presentation - Nothing new to report. The
presentation will be in August.
- Whole Earth Festival - Joel Baumert and Jim Riffel of Z-World
are burning 100 DemoLinux 3.0 CD-ROMs to hand out. Bill Kendrick
has created "installation" documentation inserts for the CDs.
Mandrake donated about 60 copies of single-disc Mandrake 8.1 installations.
Bill also created 100 8-page info. packets which explain who LUGOD is,
where to learn more about Linux, a number of reasons one would want to
avoid using Microsoft (bugs, viruses, anti-competitive practices,
and invasions of privacy), and copies of the Free Software and Open Source
Ryan Castellucci and Marianne Waage are lending LUGOD card tables to
set up at the event. Nicole Carlson and Ryan are bringing chairs.
Nicole will be bringing her laptop on Friday and Saturday morning.
Ryan may not be able to bring his on Saturday. Doug Baribieri can bring
his new laptop, but needs help repartitioning Windows&nsbp;2000, so that
he can install Linux before the event.
More volunteers (read: bodies) are needed to help answer questions and
hand out information and discs.
Bill Kendrick will be providing transportation on Friday, and possibly
- Class with DCN - The class will be about Linux for the office,
and will include a hands-on demonstration of KDE, KOffice, The GIMP and
Evolution. The City of Davis PCs run Windows, so Rod has set up his
server to run a number of simultaneous Linux desktop sessions which the
students can access using VNC!
The class is scheduled for Wed. May 22nd from
6:30pm to 8pm. Register with Richard Lowenberg of DCN.
- Sandwiches - Steve Nguyen of TekSystems in Sacramento donated
two large deli sandwiches.
- Game - A law is being proposed that will prohibit the sale of
video games which contain any one of the following: decapitation,
murder, carjacking, rape, assualt, prostitutes or drug use. The
first person to e-mail with a game which contains ALL of
these will win a copy of Tribes II for Linux.
- Financial Report - $30.00 in voluntary dues were
- Andy Ross and Jim Brennan of the FlightGear Open Source flight simulator
project, and John Wojnaroski of the OpenGC Open Source glass cockpit
project, demonstrated these two software packages.
They brought three desktop systems, a laptop, and three LCD displays.
Two slide presentations were given, a number of FlightGear models and
views were shown, and OpenGC was demonstrated, running on one multi-headed
system, talking over a network with FlightGear on another computer!
Presentation notes
- Pete Salzman
- Mike Simons
- Melissa Hardenbrook
- Henry House
- Bill Kendrick
- Andy Ross
- John Wojnaroski
- Jim Brennan
- Joel Baumert
- Sarah Baumert
- Isaac Baumert
- Rod Roark
- Ryan Castellucci
- Doug Barbieri
- Richard Harkey
- Carl Yates
- Jeff DeFay
- Dave Nelson
- Dick
- Sam Merrit
- Mark P.
- John Reynolds
- Jim
- Tom Burnett
- Richard Bruce
- Jesse
- Bill Broadley
- Matt Roper
- Rhonda Bailey
- Stephen Helms
- Brian Lavender
Photos of this meeting.
Quote of the Meeting
- "You've got to learn not to do that, because you'll DIE if you do!" -
Andy Ross, on stalling a plane.