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2002.04.02 Meeting Notes
- Debian reaching 2.2r6 in April
- Mandrake makes StarOffice 6.0 available
to Mandrake club 'silver' members.
- Nethack 3.4.0 announced.
- Intel fights non-profit
Yoga Inside over "blank
Inside" trademark
- Doubleclick settles lawsuit - to purge
consumer info.
- "Spray-on solar cells" invented
- Winnebego, faced with $150,000 in MS
licensing fees opted to install Linux
on a mainframe, at a cost of merely
- Microsoft and Unisys team together to
make anti-Unix ads. But, their
"We have the way out" website runs on
FreeBSD! Soon after this was discovered,
it was switched to MS IIS. Soon after
THAT, the site began crashing
- Intel reaches 2.4GHz speeds
- Kernel reaches 2.5.7. Linus on vacation.
- close() has a bug!
- Codeweavers releases CrossOver Office
to run MS Office under Linux
- Disney CEO Michael Eisner writes that
Abe Lincoln wouldn't like Napster, et. al.
- RedHat CEO Michael Tiemann states in
MS anti-trust trial that in 2000 MS
forced Dell to back out of a deal to
put RH on workstations
- MS loses battle with Lindows
- British Telecomm's patent on
hyperlinking has been ruled to not
cover current web technology
- AOL 7.0 includes Mozilla
- SuSE will be ready for AMD's Hammer
64bit CPU
- German Parlaiment switches to Linux
- zlib bug affects MS Office, IE,
DirectX, Messenger, XP and FrontPage
Project Reports
- Demo - The last demo was Sat. March 23rd at the
Davis Food Co-Op, and was a show-stopper! The next will be on April 27th.
- Installfests - Our next Installfest will be on April 21st.
- LERT - No news.
- Library - Dave Nelson donated a CD of random software.
Other Business
- Officer Nominations - Nominations are now being taken for the
four elected officer positions at LUGOD:
- root (President) (currently Pete Salzman)
- sys (Vice President) (currently Henry House)
- typescript (Secretary) (currently Melissa Hardenbrook)
- /dev/null (Treasurer) (currently Rhonda Bailey)
E-mail your nominations to the Secretary at: before
the next meeting (at which we'll be voting)
- California 4-H Presentation - Henry House and possibly
Nicole Carlson and Bill Kendrick, will be representing LUGOD at a
presentation to California 4-H kids at a leadership conference on August 10th
- Whole Earth Festival - LUGOD will be taking part in this May's
Whole Earth Festival at UCD. More details soon.
- Class with DCN - Davis Community Network has asked LUGOD to
work with them to do another Introductory Linux class in the coming months.
We may do it at the City of Davis computer lab or, if possible, and if
people prefer, perhaps at Z-World, where we hold or normal meetings.
- Discount from - is offering 10%
discounts to LUGOD members who visit their storefront who (1) have a
listing on our member's page and (2) have their photo online.
If you'd like to send your photo to be added to our site, e-mail
- Financial Report - $52.60 in voluntary dues were
- Dr. David P. Anderson of UC Berkeley discussed the past and future of the SETI@home project.
Presentation slides
- Pete Salzman
- Henry House
- Bill Kendrick
- Rhonda Bailey
- Melissa Hardenbrook
- Joel Baumert
- Nicole Carlson
- Foo Lim
- Jeff Newmiller
- Matt Johnson
- Mike Simons
- Marc Hasbrouck
- Stephen Helms
- Mike Simons
- Jeff DeFay
- Han Xu
- Geoff Herteg
- Paul Miller
- Dave Griffith
- Ken Herron
- Jeff Rousch
- Elizabeth Baine
- Amy
- Matt Olson
- Teresa
- Dave Nelson
- David
- John Alden
- Eric Engelhard
- Nathalie Yu
- Bob
- Don
- Victor
- Michael
- Patrick
- Alfredo
- 6 others
Photos of this meeting.
Quote of the Meeting:
- "Windows, mac are harder.
gnu and posix rules." - Dr. Anderson
- "the average population of
antartica is about 300.
80 of those run seti@home." - Dr. Anderson
- "cheating is a real pain in the ass for us" - Dr. Anderson
- re: getting huge capacity from covalent:
"are you going to sell bandwidth back to campus?" - mike simons
- "the latest version is always for unix, since that's what we all use." - Dr. Anderson
- "some people have auctioned off accounts with a lot of work units off. one sold for $625."- Dr. Anderson