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2002.01.21 Meeting Notes
- AOL to buy RedHat, says some sources.
- AOL and RedHat NOT merging, says some other sources.
- AOL and RedHat not commenting on them merging.
- Bill Kendrick won 3rd place in the SDL Game Programming contest for his
game "Vectoroids." First place was the popular Arkanoid clone "LBreakout."
Second place was "Tower Toppler."
- AOL instant messenger buffer overflow found. Simply sending the
appropriate data to someone's IM account can allow you to take complete
control of their computer! (This problem is with Windows only)
- Major bug found in Athlon CPUs, relating to extended memory paging
via AGP. 2.4 kernel is affected. You can work around the bug in the CPUs
by sending "mem=nopentium" to the kernel during bootup.
- Australian Government censors its censorship. The list of blacked-out
websites (deemed "indecent") is not being made public.
- Canadian flag is now copyrighted.
- Jon Johansen, co-author of DeCSS, has been arrested by the Norwegian
agency in charge of economic crimes, under pressure by the MPAA
(Motion Picture Assoc. of America).
- Eric Raymond's new python-based Kernel config. system should be
coming somewhere in the Linux Kernel 2.5 series.
- A nasty sudo securiy hole has been found. All major distros. have
fixes available.
- A vunerability in URL handling in PINE allows remote users to
execute arbitrary code!
- A buffer overflow has been found in gzip.
- A buffer overflow has been found in glibc's filename globbing code.
(Fortunately only occurs with filenames ending in "{")
- Kernel 2.5.2 has been released. It includes scheduling tweaks,
a devfs update, and more block device work. It also includes a bug
which breaks swap, so don't use this one.
- A preemptive kernel patch for the new schedule has been released.
Project Reports
- Demo - There will be no demo in January.
- Installfests - Our last Installfest was yesterday. We had
a great turnout - about 13 systems!
- LERT - There were two LERT calls recently.
- Library - The books "The C Standard Library" and "Are Your
Lights On?" were donated by Ed Capriolia. "Running Linux, 3rd Ed." was
donated by Chris DiBona. Pete Salzman purchased Paragon Partitioning
software for Installfests.
Other Business
- Financial Report - $65.XX in voluntary dues were
- Scavenger Hunt! - Jessica Luedtke and Matt Johnson won the
scavenger hunt, and each got a copy of Herectic II for Linux.
- 4-H Presentation - 4-H's from around the state will be gathering
at UC Davis, and LUGOD has been invited to come talk about Linux.
We're planning on attending, but, depending on the length of time they
want us to spend, we may need some extra speakers to volunteer.
- LUGODer of the Quarter - Bill Kendrick was recognized as
LUGODer of the Quater, and was awarded a copy of Quake III and
Heretic II.
- Nile Geisinger and Alex Ledin of dLoo software talked about their
"Springbox" software.
- Pete Salzman
- Rhonda Bailey
- Bill Kendrick
- Melissa Hardenbrook
- Eric Engelhard
- Joel Baumert
- Chris DiBona
- Rod Roark
- Ryan
- Alex Ledin
- Nile
- Ed Capriola
- Mark Kim
- Henry House
- Matt Johnson
- Matt Snelham
- Jessica Luedtke
- Doug Barbieri
- Daniel
- Stephen Helms
- Foo Lim
- David Lindsay
- Aaron Marroquin
- David Siedband
- ... and 11 others
Photos of this meeting.
Quote of the Meeting:
- Regarding the audio clip of RMS singing: "There was an AUDIENCE ... applauding!" - Bill Kendrick "That's because he stopped" - Matt Johnson