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1999.10.19 Meeting Notes
Committee Reports
- PPP How To - No change.
- Resnet How To - IT is not willing to distribut floppy disks.
We will see if UCD Housing will be willing to. If anyone living in the
dorms wishes to pass them out, too, contact Jessica Leudtke.
- Tax Exempt Club Status - We have recevied our Employee
Identification Number (EIN). The IRS Form 1024 (exemption form) was
sent at the same time as our request for an EIN, so hopefully it's being
reviewed and processed already!
- Farmer's Market - Last Saturday, LUGOD went to Farmer's Market
again. Gabe Rosa and Bill Kendrick (and for part of the beginning, Nicole
Carlson) staffed the booth. Mike Simons helped set up, and Pete Salzman,
Rhonda Bailey, Zach Johnson and Zach White helped break down. We showed off
Gabe's 450Mhz PC running RedHat, Pete's dual-450Mhz PC and his laptop,
both running SuSE. We passed out 70 "all about LUGOD" pamphlets.
Bill has written a "Farmer's Market HOWTO" and it is posted under Documents
on the website.
- LERT - We have a few customers to take care of. Contact Pete
- Ambassador to other LUGS - No interesting LUG meetings before the
next LUGOD meeting. SacLUG was last Wednesday. Mike Machado was to speak
about CVS, but unfortunately had an ulcer, so Brian Lavendar talked about
- Davis Community Network - No word from Richard from DCN...
Other Business
- Financial Report - We collected $24.70 in voluntary dues. Our
account now holds $208.83.
- Meeting Location - Mike Simons and Bill Kendrick looked into
alternative locations. The Yolo Library's meeting room is booked (during
regular LUGOD meeting times) until December. Having food there would cost
$10. The Veteran's Memorial Center's Club Room is available and suits
our needs well (we can eat there). We must file a Fee Waiver form which,
since a year's worth of usage would cost nearly $3000, the City Council
must approve. The form is ready to turn in, all we need is a Non Profit
Organization Number.
- T-Shirts - Evan Scarisbrick will look into where we can have
t-shirts made and for how much. Since White is not the most popular color,
we may go with offwhite or colors, or with a black t-shirt with a nighttime
version of Bill's LUGOD watertower logo.
- Stickers/Flyers/VA Linux - We need to decide what kind of stickers,
flyers and businesscards we wish to have made for LUGOD. At this point,
it appears we will simply need to show VA Linux a proposal and see if they'll
give us the money. Joe Arruda knows more about the "VA donating cash to
make LUGOD swag" deal than anyone else...
- Help! - If anyone is available to help with anything, please talk
to Pete. We have so much going on and too few volunteers to deal with it
- Give-Aways - We gave away a SuSE T-Shirt, two "EZ Linux" mousepads,
and an "IP Masquerading" poster. Console-based hangman was involved...
- Pete Salzman once again did part 1 of his "Shell Scripting Basics" talk.
- Hans Uhlig
- Evan Scarisbrick
- Jennifer Rutherford
- Jessica Leudtke
- Rhonda Bailey
- Mike Simons
- Curt Zimansky (new)
- Foo Lim
- Drew Parsons (new)
- Pete Salzman
- Matt Curran
- Emily Stumpf (new)
- Daphney Kreas (new)
- Gabe Rosa
- Tim Maurer
- Ludwig Pummer (new)
- Ken Collins (new)
- Marianne Waage
- Aura de Saussure
- Ralph Haygood
- Ajay Tallam
- Takashi Ishihara
- Remington Stone