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1999.05.31 Meeting Notes
We met at Round Table Pizza in Davis.
Introduction to New Members
We had quite a turnout of new faces! Thanks to everyone for dropping by.
We hope it wasn't too boring!
Committee Reports
- UCD RESNET-HOWTO - We are still waiting for
approval or denial from UCD IT.
- UCD PPP-HOWTO - A draft was distributed at the meeting. The goal
is to have a document that is, at maximum, two printed pages (ie, one sheet
of paper, printed on front and back). This document should be the bare
minimum to get a person connected - no fancy instructions, like how to turn
off your modem's speaker, or do dial on demand. The official Linux PPP
HOWTO is 80 pages long, and is overwhelming. We want just the opposite.
Questions will be answered via a new e-mail address, . People interested in helping out with
people who have trouble using our UCD PPP-HOWTO can sign up to answer
questions at this address.
- Tax Exempt Club Status - Still in progress, nothing to report.
- Davis High School Project - Mike Simons, Jessica Leudtke and
Pete Salzman went to DHS and upgraded their current main server from
an older version of RedHat to RH6.0. We will also know within 1.5 weeks
whether or not we can use a room at DHS to hold our meetings.
- LUGOD Logo - Seven logos were shown. We will vote via the web
on the one we like the best. The url will be posted to vox as soon as
the page is created.
- Ambassador to Other LUGs -
In a stunning fashion acheivement, Joe Arruda made himself
completely invisible. Even more amazingly, he didn't say a word
all night, so there was no report on other Lug activity. However,
Brian Lavendar told us that the Saclug Installfest will be on
Saturday, June 12th. Visit their
site for details. Also, Mike Simons reports that "Mandrake" will be
speaking about Enlightenment at SVLug Wednesday June 3rd.
Other Business:
- Install Fest - Mike Simons reported: 30 people were interested
in attending an Installfest, 15 said they would come to the one we had
planned, and about 10 did attend. Mike Simons, David O'Brien,
Tom Trueblood, Dave Petacolus, Matteo Fortini, Ajay Tallam, and Mike Harro
were there to help people interested in installing or upgrading Linux.
Unfortunately, there was no network connectivity or analog phone. lent us a cart to help move machines between cars and
dorms and the EUII building where the Install Fest was held. Many
people interested in trying Linux were not able to attend the Installfest,
so we may host a second one before the end of June.
- Financial Report - $23.44 was donated to the club today. Dev-Null
reports a total of $136.80 total. Woohoo!
- Elections - Nominations were held (and will continue to be held
until next meeting) for LUGOD officer positions:
- root - Pete Salzman
- sys - Bill Kendrick
- /dev/null - Zach Johnson
- typescript - Melissa Hardenbrook
If you would like to nominate someone (including yourself) for a position,
please mail your nominations to the secretary at .
Voting will be held via the website starting after next meeting, and
ending on June 21st.
- Linux Demo Day - We are interested in helping out with this
project, and will sign up on their list of LUGs. For more information,
visit the site.
- Donation - Brian Lavendar of SacLUG donated a copy of
Slackware Linux 4.0.
- Constitution News - "Webmistress" is now an appointed
position. Furthermore, Root now has the power to appoint positions as
needed. On another note, in order to avoid problems with our Tax-Exempt
Club applications, a member has been redefined as "anyone who has an
interest in Linux and who attends meetings and/or participates in the
group." Lastly, the motion to expand Lugod's purpose to also advocate
FreeBSD has been retracted.
- Zach Johnson and Pete Salzman explained how Linux is used in their
respective UC Davis departments, Math and Physics.
- Peter Salzman
- Marianne Waage
- Steve Wormley
- Zach Johnson
- Bob Scofield
- Jessica Luedtke
- Remington Stone
- Jennifer Rutherford
- Melissa Hardenbrook
- Mike Simons
- Andrew Stein (new member)
- Brett Coiler (new member)
- Maggi Glasscoe (new member)
- Hans Uhlf (new member)
- Scott Reinert (new member)
- Brian Lavendar
- Foo Lim
- Sam Merritt (new member)
- Harry Souders (new member)
- Eric Hays (new member)
- Bill Kendrick
...and two others who left before the sign-up sheet was passed around.
Quote of the Meeting:
"I found the truth... And it's on my desktop!" Pete Salzman on
Enlightenment's Gillian Anderson theme.