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2011.09.19 Meeting Notes
Davis Public Library
Project Reports
- Installfests —
No report. Tony suggested holding one in January, to help people who got
computers during the holidays. Bill suggested one soon, once UC Davis starts
up for the fall, to get incoming CS freshmen.
- Hands-On Demo —
Nothing scheduled.
Other Business
- News —
- Software Freedom Day took place last weekend. Sadly, LUGOD did not
- "Encrypted Storage" talk at BALUG in SF tomorrow.
- Sacramento-Area Drupal Users Group meets Wednesday, as does the
Sac PC Users Group.
- "" scheduled for October LUGOD (at the library).
- Need a speaker/topic and venue for November!
- Open Science group continues to meet monthly in Davis
(first Wednesday of each month)
- Becoming a UC Davis "Campus Affiliate Group" —
No report.
- Davis Community Network (DCN) Resource Allocation Committee) —
No news.
- Financial Report —
- $20.75 in donations were collected.
- Financial documentation is up-to-date on, except
for August's donations, which Greg will get tonight.
- Still no word back from CAFTB regarding non-profit status.
- John Wojnaroski, Chief Engineer at LFS Technologies, Inc., discussed
full scale flight simulators, including creating flightdecks with glass
cockpits and wrap-around panoramic projection screens, using Linux
with Xenomai real-time extensions, JSBSim flight dynamics modelling,
OpenSceneGraphic, and the FlightGear flight simulator.
- Photos of this meeting
- Presentation slides
(14MB ODP)
- Bill Kendrick
- Andrew Roach
- Brian Lavender
- Greg FitzGerald
- Jeff
- Steve Inness
- Ben
- Jim Brennan
- Richard Harke
- Jason Moore
- Stephen Chambers
- Eric Rasmussen
- Molly
- John Wojnaroski
- Craig
- Tony Cratz
- Rodney Mineer