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2003.11.17 Meeting Notes
- The Sacramento Valley ISSA chapter sent a letter thanking us gratefully
for our booth at their conference earlier this month!
- MacNexus meets tomorrow, and will be raffling an eMac.
- EBGLUG meets November 19th in Fremont. Project leader of the OpenSource
Firewall Builder project will speak.
- RoseLUG meets Nov. 24th: Using Linux as an Edge Router
- FreeBSD 10-year anniversary party takes place in San Francisco on
Nov. 24th.
- Apparently a recent RedHat 8 and 9 patch to GCC has broken some things.
Project Reports
- Demo - No demo scheduled.
- Installfests - The last Installfest was on November 16th.
14 people signed up. (Not sure how many attended.)
Rusty Minden will be stepping down after the December Installfest
(after three years of dedicated service!), so we'll need a replacement
before January's event. Contact the officers if you wish to help!!!
- LERT - No news.
- Library - Bill Alexander donated copies of "GNU Make,"
"Python Standard Library," "Java Examples in a Nutshell," "Java in a
Nutshell," "Tex Primer for Scientists," "Perl in a Nutshell" and
"Web Design in a Nutshell" to LUGOD's lending library. Thanks, Bill!
Other Business
- ISSA Conference - Brian Lavender and Seth Nagao spent all day
staffing LUGOD's booth at the event on the first day.
Our booth was apparently very busy! The second day was much, much slower,
and ended early. Knoppix was popular, due to a presentation someone gave
that demonstrated it; they recommended the audience drop by our booth to
grab a copy.
There were about 50 vendor booths, plus a keynote/lunch area.
Mike Simons attended a few keynotes. One was regarding the fact that
security compromises are much different today, than in the past, thanks
to laptops and VNC. Some worms are written to target particular
companies, for corporate espionage. They spread, as usual, but
once they infiltrate a certain domain, they act differently (collecting
information, etc.)
Also of interest... California recently passed legislation that says if
you have private information in a database, and it gets hacked, you must
inform the people who are affected within 2 weeks (unless law enforcement
tells you not to, as it would affect their investigation).
- Elections - Nominations closed at the beginning of this meeting.
Bill Kendrick was nominated for President ("root"), Mike Simons for
Vice President ("sys"), Henry House for Treasurer ("/dev/null"), and
Stephen Matthew Helms for Secretary ("typescript"). Since everyone ran
unopposed, a vote-by-consensus was made. There were no objections, so
everyone remains in their current position.
- Financial Report - $23.37 in voluntary dues were
- Tim Riley, -- "Appaserver Open Source Application Server"
Presentation notes (PDF)
- Bill Kendrick
- Mike Simons
- Jeff DeFay
- Daphne Pareas
- Dmitriy Ivanov
- John Marcotte
- Jeff Rousch
- Ryan Castellucci
- Richard Harke
- Tim Riley
- Byron
- Stephen Matthew Helms
- Jennifer
- ...and 2 or 3 others...