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2001 Jul 13 16:41

About the Geek-O-Meter

For each presentation, we try to rate the "geek level" necessary to understand the topic. While an overall rating isn't perfect, it will at least give newbies an idea on which topics will be beyond them, and which topics will bore the kernel hackers out there.

[geek:1] Easy

These topics are for newbies to the realm of Linux, Unix, GNU and Open Source. They include things like how to use basic applications.

[geek:2] Basics

If you have a general understanding of computers, these talks should be easy to comprehend, yet still be interesting.

[geek:3] User

Topics on installation, and topics which discuss mathematical algorithms or other basic computer sciency things.

[geek:4] Guru

Folks with lots of experience with GNU/Linux, computers in general, math, and other sciences will be comfortable at these talks.

[geek:0] Not Applicable

Meetings with no scheduled topic, or officer meetings, which have no particular geek level.

[geek:-] Don't Know

The meeting topic has not been scheduled yet. When the topic is announced, this rating will change to one of the above.

Geek-O-Meter graphics created by Bill Kendrick, 2000, using The Gimp.

If you maintain a Users Group website, feel free to use the Geek-O-Meter rating system yourself! A link to LUGOD.org'd be nice in return. Also, for kicks, please let Bill know you're using the graphics, so he can see.

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Sunset Systems
Sunset Systems offers preconfigured Linux systems, remote system administration and custom software development.

LUGOD: Linux Users' Group of Davis
Contact Us

LUGOD is a 501(c)7 non-profit organization
based in Davis, California
and serving the Sacramento area.
"Linux" is a trademark of Linus Torvalds.

Sponsored in part by:
Sunset Systems
Who graciously hosts our website & mailing lists!