
Zaurus SL-5000


Insignia Jeode
Java virtual machine (JVM)

  • 100% Compatible with Sun's Personal Java and Embedded Java specficiations

  • Insignia was the first official Sun licensee (March 1999)

  • Typical Java performance on resource-constrained platforms
    • Normal interpreter is slow
    • Ahead of time (AOT) compilers produce non-portable code and cannot handle dynamic class loading
    • Just-In-Time (JIT) needs lots of memory and have no notion of memory bounding

  • Jeode:
    • Small footprint (~100KB RAM)
    • Dynamic Adaptive Compiler (up to 12 times faster than interpreter-only JVMs):
      • Frequently-used code paths are compiled into native code
      • Rarely-used code paths remain interpreted
    • Can run from ROM
    • Can bound RAM
    • Preemptible garbage collector (yields when required)