Useful keystrokes

Environment controls

  • Ctrl-x: Erase all

Editing object

  • Tab: Edit object (or end editing)

  • Right mouse button: Select vertices/edges

  • b: Block select vertices (rectangular area)

  • bb: Block select vertices (circle)

  • a: Select all vertices

  • e: Extrude selected vertices

  • D: Duplicate object/vertices

  • f: Join selected vertices (make face)

  • p: Separate selected vertices

  • x or DEL: Delete selected vertices or edges

Setting values

  • Click: Increase value

  • Drag horizontally: Increase or decrease value

  • Shift-click: Set value with keyboard

View control

  • Numpad 0: Camera view

  • Numpad 1: Front view

  • Numpad 3: Side view (from the right)

  • Numpad 7: Top view

File selection

  • Press enter twice to select a file

Note: Keys depend on mode!
