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2011.06.20 Meeting Notes
Wickson Hall, Room 1017, UC Davis
Project Reports
- Installfests —
The last IF was held on Saturday at N Street Cohousing. Thanks to Alex Mandel
for running the IF, and Dan Fiske for providing the venue. 3-4 people RSVP'd.
One had a server, but decided to leave it at home. Another brought a
server that the IF volunteers decided was not worth working on; cheaper
to replace with a more modern system. Mostly people worked on their own
stuff, and didn't need help. Around 10 on-lookers came to watch.
- Hands-On Demo —
None scheduled. The next will probably be in September,
for this year's Software Freedom Day. We should sign up soon, so we can
receive some free discs and other goodies.
Other Business
- News —
- Announcement of upcoming events:
- July's LUGOD will be "Running Databases with Appaserver", at the public library.
- August's LUGOD will be "FOSS Gaming" [exact topic and location TBA].
- September's LUGOD will be "Full Scale Flight Simulators" talk (rescheduled from March) [location TBA].
- Thanks to Alex Mandel for reserving space at Wickson Hall for our meeting.
- Thanks to our guest speaker, Bryan Bell, for bringing some snacks.
- A handful of people came from afar, from the
Bay Area Haskell Users
- Becoming a UC Davis "Campus Affiliate Group" —
Alex Mandel reminds us it will cost $30/year to be an affiliate group,
and that LUGOD members Bill Broadley and Scott Miller, who work at UC Davis,
have offered to be our liasons. Alex points out that being an affiliate group
would have simplified getting tonight's venue (Wickson Hall).
- Davis Community Network (DCN) Resource Allocation Committee) —
No news.
- Financial Report —
$27.00 in donations were received. FYI: in two days, our tax-exempt status
request with the CA FTB will have been filed 90 days ago.
- Bryan Bell, computer science graduate student at CSU Sacramento, and
graduate intern at Intel, discussed the Haskell programming language and
LLVM (low-level virtual machine), and how they are used to create
- Presentation slides and example code
- Photos
- Bill Kendrick
- Richard Harke
- Chris Horstig
- Brian Lavender
- Greg Fitzgerarld
- Tim Riley
- Alex Mandel
- Bruce Wolk
- Sung Choi
- Michael Seydel
- Eugene Kizpichov
- Mikel Mcdaniel
- Bryan Bell
- Brennen
- Aaron Cooledge
- Zaki
- Ivan
- Steve Inness
- ...and 1 other