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2011.02.21 Meeting Notes
Explorit Nature Center
Project Reports
- Installfests —
The last Installfest was held on January 28th. The next IF is not yet
- LERT —
It was decided at an officer's meeting earlier this month that
LERT be deprecated.
- Hands-On Demo —
Nothing scheduled.
Other Business
- News —
- Announcement of upcoming LUGOD events:
- March (at the public library): Full-scale Flight Simulators
- April (ar the public library): Django framework
- May (location TBA): MythTV
- LUGOD elections:
We forgot to hold elections in October. In early February we realized, and
polled membership regarding holding elections now, versus waiting until
this October. Two members responded: one for, one against. Nominations
were therefore opened for officer positions, but none were made prior to
tonight's meeting. Therefore, current officers (Bill Kendrick: root,
Brian Lavender: sys, Andrew Roach: typescript and Greg FitzGerald: /dev/null)
continue with their positions.
- Brief report from February officer's meeting:
- LERT ended (see above)
- 'vox-outreach' mailing list deprecated
- domain name appeared as though it was going to expire,
but it was not; contacted DomainDiscover to correct the issue
- PO box renewal to happen in Aug. or Sept.
- Elections inadvertently skipped in October (see above)
- LUGOD tax-extempt status filing with the California Finance Tax Board
(CA FTB) will be done soon.
- Becoming a UC Davis "Campus Affiliate Group" —
No report.
- Financial Report —
$26.00 in voluntary dues were collected tonight. Approx. balance as
of December 23rd: $1,242. (Some voluntary due collections, as well
as expenses for the January anniversary meeting, have not yet been accounted
- Andrew Roach
- Bill Kendrick
- Owen DeLong
- Greg FitzGerald
- Greg Thrasher
- Jim Thrasher
- Nick Schmalenberger
- Gilbert
- John
- Diego Pedrosa
- Larry
- Steve Inness
- Rodney Mineer
- Richard Harke
- Tony Cratz
- ...and 1 other