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2010.10.18 Meeting Notes
Explorit Nature Center
Project Reports
- Installfests —
The last Installfests were on Sat. Sept. 25th at N Street
Cohousing and on Fri. Oct. 1st at UC Davis (with the
Computer Science Club at UCD). The next IF is not yet
- LERT —
No report.
- Library —
No report.
Other Business
- News —
- There's a LUG in Lincoln that's active, but is concerned about
dropping attendance. If you, or someone you know, is near Lincoln,
please check it out:
- SacBLUG, a BSD and Linux Users Group, has formed in Sacramento.
It meets monthly at SMUD's offices, and is focused on system
administration. (It also has a lively IRC channel.) Learn more
- Harold Lee from LUGOD will be helping present a UNIX Tutorial
with the CS Club at UC Davis. For more, see:
- Davis People's Free School is re-forming, and interested in
working with LUGOD to do some classes. As we learn more, we'll
post calls for volunteers.
- Raffle — We gave away three books from
O'Reilly: Being Geek, Cooking for Geeks and
Autotools, and a 4GB USB flash drive from Edge Tech Corp.
- Financial Report —
$25.00 voluntary dues were collected tonight.
Our previous treasurer, Henry House, received our letter regarding
our deadline to receive LUGOD's missing financial paperwork.
He responded, but has yet to get the paperwork to us (our deadline
for giving up was today's meeting). At this point, we will move forward
under the assumption that the paperwork is lost forever. LUGOD's officers
will hold an officer meeting soon to discuss the next steps.
- Becoming a UC Davis "Campus Affiliate Group" —
No report.
- Explorit membership —
LUGOD has donated $75 to Explorit. (They received it and give their thanks.)
- Joe Eager of the Blender "bmesh" project was scheduled to speak about
"Overcoming repeated failure and attaining success in an open source project"
but failed to make it to tonight's meeting.
In lieu of that, we opened the floor for discussions. Charley Shattuck talked about
Color Forth and, and Brian Lavender demonstrated
Lazarus, an IDE and RAD tool for developing object-oriented Pascal
- Photos of this meeting
- Bill Kendrick
- Andrew Roach
- Richard Harke
- Greg FitzGerald
- Brian Lavender
- Eric Engelhard
- Jeff DeFay
- Tim Feldman
- Chris Horsting
- Tony Cratz
- Rodney Miner
- Elena Lopez
- Daniel Lattimore
- Yayoi Ukai
- Charley Shattuck