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2009.05.18 Meeting Notes
Davis Public Library
Project Reports
- Installfests — Thanks to help from the CS Club at
UC Davis, LUGOD will be holding an Installfest on Saturday, May 30th
from 10am to 4pm. We'll be at Kemper Hall again, but this time in
Room 1003 (a conference room for the Dean of the School of Engineering),
which should have good wired and wireless networking. RSVP if you'd
like to attend.
- LERT — No news.
- Library — We have still not shipped books that
CSU Bakersfield wants. Once we do that, more books will be made available
to the general membership, and brought to meetings. Unfortunately, we've
missed a window of opportunity where the CSU had enough budget for
paying shipping, so someone from faculty may need to pay for it, unless
we can deliver it in person.
Other Business
- Whole Earth Festival - WEF took place May 10-12 at UC Davis.
Nick and Alex ran a LUGOD booth on Saturday only, since noone else was
available to staff at other times.
- CommunityOne Conference & OSCON - It's possible for LUGOD
(either alone, or with other LUGs) to get a ".org booth" at both
the CommunityOne Conference (which takes place simultaneously with
Sun's JavaOne) in San Francisco on June 1st-3rd, and
O'Reilly's Open Source Convention (OSCON) in San Jose, July 20th-24th.
Noone responded regarding CommunityOne, so Bill has decided to skip that,
but is still interested in LUGOD attending OSCON. Grant Bowman, from
the Ubuntu California Team, said we could share a table with them, if needed.
Bill is going to ping other LUGs in the Bay Area to see if a multi-LUG booth
could be put together.
If you have an opinion, or would like to offer to help organize
and/or staff a booth, please post a note to LUGOD's
'vox-outreach' mailing list.
- Venue needed - The Davis branch of the Yolo County Library
will be undergoing renovation soon.
- News — Cathy Malmrose of ZaReasons peaks at BALUG
tomorrow night.
- Financial Report — $14.00 in voluntary dues were
- Todd Trichler, Senior Principal Product Manager at
Oracle Technology Network, discussed a variety of things
the Oracle Linux Engineering Team has been working on. He also demonstrated
Oracle's VM Server, and demonstrated installing it on a PC.
- Photos of this meeting
- Presentation slides
(1.9MB PDF)
- Bill Kendrick
- Nick Schmalenberger
- Cameron Tully-Smith
- Greg Fitzgerald
- Michael Altaribba
- Todd Trichler
- Grant Bowman
- Bill Alexander
- Brian
- Alex Mandel
- Richard Harke
- Steve Inness
- Mark Chiaravalloti
- Doug
- Dave Spense
- Peter E.
- Lance
- Chris Horsting
- Tim
- ... and 2 others