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2009.03.16 Meeting Notes
Davis Public Library
Project Reports
- Installfests —
Alex has looked into holding an IF in the Blanchard meeting room
at the Davis Public library, but the room was booked for the day(s) he
was looking at.
- LERT — No news. Bill has suggested we consider
discontinuing LERT, since it's not used very often, and Henry seems
to be the only volunteer.
- Library — Henry delivered some of the library to
Bill, who still needs to go through the books and mail them to
CSU Bakersfield. Four students from Chico were in attendance, and
said they would also be willing to take some books.
Other Business
- Whole Earth Festival - Nick Schmalenberger has the
application and filled it out, and requested comments.
Bill suggested going ahead and submitting it (the deadline is
soon: March 28th).
WEF takes place on Mother's Day weekend in May.
We'll need volunteers to burn CDs and staff the booth.
- Venue needed - The Davis branch of the Yolo County Library
will be undergoing renovation soon. They are not booking meetings
for June and beyond, and renovation will apparently take approximately
one full year. So LUGOD will need a new place to meet during that
period (June 2009 thru June 2010, or so).
- News —
The next LUGOD meetings will be April 20th ("something computer science
related") and May 18th (Oracle Technology Network). This past weekend
marked the 15th anniversary of the 1.0 release of the Linux Kernel.
- Financial Report — $13.89 in voluntary dues were
- Bill Kendrick
- Nick Schmalenberger
- Tony Cratz
- Richard Harke
- Brian Lavender
- Jeff DeFay
- Gabe
- Joe
- Kyle Ambroff
- Daniel (from Chico)
- Nathan (from Chico)
- Jordan (from Chico)
- Christian (from Chico)
- Doug Barbieri
- Steve
- Brian
- Mike Lee