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2005.03.01 Meeting Notes
- Usenix conference, April 10-15 in Anaheim.
The original Unix users' conference. Predates Linux, predates
AT&T System V (goes back to BSD days). It's so huge you're going
to find subgroups on almost any UNIX topic you're looking for.
- Tyson Nichols, from the California Aggie (UC Davis newspaper) was
in attendance, and hopes to run an article on Linux!
- Richard Harke wonders how to go to SIGGRAPH for free.
- Next LUGOD meeting: Monday, March 21st. Valerie Henson from IBM, and
part of, will be talking about UNIX Filesystems.
Project Reports
- Demo - No report.
- Installfests - The last Installfest was Sunday, February 20th.
(Noone who was there was in attendence.) The next Installfest will be
on Saturday, March 19th.
- LERT - No news. Send email to if you need
emergency Linux help.
- Library - No report.
Other Business
- Whole Earth Festival - Whole Earth takes place at UC Davis
on May 6, 7 and 8. We're looking for volunteers to staff the booth.
Get the word out about open source and Linux!
Hand out The Open Source CD, Knoppix, etc.
(Volunteers who can burn CD's would be helpful, too.)
- Financial Report - $??.?? in voluntary dues were
- Emily Stumpf
- Ken Bloom
- Dimitry Ivanov
- Karsten McCoy
- Steve Gems
- Tyson Nichols
- Tom Hanlon
- Richard Harke