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2001.06.25 Meeting Notes
Officer's Meeting
- Summer Installfests - We discussed the upcoming RoseLUG installfest
(in July) and feel comfortable with how things are going. We will
probably skip having an Installfest in August, and possibly have an
extra-large, well-advertised, multi-LUG IF in September or October,
once UC Davis is back in session.
- Website Redesign - The site will be rebuilt using PHP (instead
of just SSI). We'd like to provide search facilities for both the site
content, as well as the new mailing list archives. Bill Kendrick
and Marianne Waage have been working on prototype redesigns of
the look-and-feel of the website. Design on navigation structure
is being discussed between many members.
- Mailing Lists - Archive updates are now occuring every
5 minutes or so (versus once daily). We discussed the
noise-to-content ratio (esp. with regards to discussions on the
list about the noise-to-content ratio!), and ideas for helping
to reduce it. The official recommendation we've made is to simply
point out when the topic is digressing from Linux and LUGOD, and ask
that the conversation be taken off the list.
Henry House (who
set up the archives) will also look into the amount of room taken by
the archives, and will provide a recommendation on how long messages
should remain on the server (at least, uncompressed).
- Magazine Advertising - We can advertise in the
Comic Press News comic/newspaper (monthly issues, 120,000
readership) for as little as about $80 for a 1/16th-page ad for one
month. We've decided to hold off on doing this until the September or
October issue, when UC Davis will be back in session.
- Secretary Position - Jen Rutherford recently stepped
down from the secretary position. Melissa Hardenbrook has
offered to take over. We need to define exactly what tasks we'd
like the secretary to do (eg, taking minutes, dealing with carpools,
handling LERT call redirection, greeting at meetings, etc.)
- Bill Kendrick
- Pete Salzman
- Rhonda Bailey
- Melissa Hardenbrook
- Henry House