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2000.12.18 Meeting Notes
- DVD Zoning Enforced in Law in France
- Atari 800XL used for heart diagnostics in Czech Republic
- 3Dfx purchased by NVidia
- British Telecom sues(!) Prodigy over hyperlink patent
- GPL V3 preview available!
- RedHat wins US Army Contract for embeded Linux devices
- Gimp 1.2 coming soon - 1.3 branch (for 1.4 stable) and 1.9 branch
(for 2.0 remake) to be worked on simultaneously
Committee Reports
- Demo - The last demo was on December 16th at the Co-Op.
The demo machine still needs some more tweaking, but it now has
a Voodoo 5 video card.
- DCN - No news.
- Other LUGs
- 12/19 - BALUG: Curtis Brune, VP of Engineering at Workspot
- 1/4 - SVBUG: rlogin, rsh, etc., and SSH
- 1/9 - NBLUG: Topic TBA
- 1/15 - LUGOD: Jeremy Allison on Samba
- 1/21 - LUGOD Installfest
- 2/1 - SVBUG: Ernest Prabhakar - Apple Open Source Product Mgr.
- 2/6 - LUGOD: Matt Bishop of UCD
- 3/1 - SVBUG: Jef Raskin - The Humane Interface.
- Installfests - The next IF will be January 21st. As usual,
EUII Room 1131 at UC Davis. RSVP online.
- LERT - No activity.
Other Business
- Financial Report - $19.00 in voluntary dues were
- LUGOD T-Shirts - We've decided on "medium blue" shirts.
Design Works wants us to go to their shop to pick exactly which
- Yolo Library Donation Update - O'Reilly has finally gotten back
to us. If they recall correctly, they have sent the following titles
to the library directly: POSIX Programming Guide,
POSIX.4, Porting UNIX Software, SCO Unix in a
Nutshell, UNIX Power Tools, and When You Can't Find Your
UNIX SysAdmin.
- Book Wishlist - Pete has mentioned that it'd be nice if
we could get TCP/IP Illustrated (Vols. 1-3) and
The Standard C Library donated into the library.
- - Bill will be looking at and seeing
if they would be good to work with.
- Joel Baumert
- Pete Salzman
- Bill Kendrick
- Henry House
- Rick O'Shagnessy
- Jan Wynholds
- Ralph Bruckschen
- Jeff DeFay
- Rhonda Bailey
- Steven Helms
- Mark Kim
- Casey Bralla
- Mike Simons
- Gabe Rosa
- Marianne Waage
- Rusty Minden
- Jeff Herteg
- George
- ...and 1 other
of this meeting
Quote of the Meeting
- "I don't use Windows, so I don't need WINE except to play Half-Life." -
Ralph Bruckschen