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2000.11.30 Meeting Notes
Officer's Meeting
- Taxes - We only need to fill out a tax form if our net receipts
is over $25,000 (which they won't be!), or, if the IRS sends us a form.
If we do not at least return it, with an explanation as to why we're
exempt, we are liable for a $10,000 fee!
- Palm V Raffle - Rhonda will staff a table during the Dec. 5th
meeting to pass out raffle tickets and accept donations. Raffle tickets
will be passed out until the presentation begins. The drawing will
occur after the presentation is over. We will suggest to people that
a $5.00 donation is reasonable (however, we cannot insist on people
donating). Rhonda will be looking into legal issues regarding giving
out more than one raffle ticket (ie, one ticket per $5.00).
- Page Counter - Bill will place a counter on to count
how many times the front page has been accessed.
- Officer Meetings - We should insist that everyone RSVP their
attendance to the secretary (Jen) before officer meetings. After it
has been decided that we need a meeting, Jen will work to find out
when the best time is for everyone.
- Bylaws - We discussed adding a segment to the Bylaws which
explains that people's membership is verified by the secretary
approximately every 6 months.
This will be based on meeting attendance (which
Bill will try to automated based on meeting notes on and
subscription and activity on LUGOD's mailing lists. If members appear to
be inactive, the secretary will then e-mail them to double-check whether
they still wish to be considered members.
- Treasurer Report: - We currently have a balance of $497.36,
not counting coin change, which needs to be rolled.
- T-Shirts - We have decided to go for light shirts with dark
print. Bill will e-mail everyone who ordered a shirt to find out
which color they'd prefer. He will also create art for a SECOND
order, using fraternity-like artwork.
- Bill Kendrick
- Pete Salzman
- Rhonda Bailey
- Jen Rutherford