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2001 Jul 18 14:14

2000.06.06 Meeting Notes


  • Pete is writing the games column in "Maximum Linux" magazine. His first review, that of "Hopkins: FBI" is in this month's issue.

  • WINE version 1.0 is imminent.

  • The US wants total police power over the Internet, and what is regarded as a crime.

  • Microsoft is shutting down eBay auctions of MicroSoft software (even unopened, shrinkwrapped stuff!)

  • A brother and sister in France are suing the country because they want to be allowed to keep their deceased mother in a refridgerated class coffin in the basement.

  • In Pennsylvania, it is now a crime to spread a virus.

  • Minors are not allowed to download Corel Linux.

  • Ultraspark 3 will be ready soon.

Committee Reports

  • Demo - The computer that VA Linux has lent us is now online, running Debian 2.2. It can be ssh'd into at nitro-9.cocoranch.com. Anyone can have an account or mess around with a guest account. It is being maintained by Henry House. There are plans to have a "try to break into this machine" contest, with a LUGOD t-shirt as the award. A Linux demo (using this box) at the Davis Food Co-Op is going to be scheduled, once the Co-Op gets back to us on when some dusty construction will be over with.

  • Other LUGs - SVLUG meets on June 7th. Andre (?), a Kernel hacker will be speaking. Rob Ferber from OpenSales will be talking at sacLUG on June 14th.

  • Installfest - The last IF was small. The next will be on June 18th.

  • LERT - No LERT activity.

Other Business

  • Financial Report - We collected $158.40 in voluntary dues. $100 of that was donated by the speaker, Rob Ferber of OpenSales, Inc.!!!

  • Bylaws Changes - The following changes to Article 1 of the bylaws were made:
    • Rename Section 1 from "Officers" to "Elected Officers."
    • Change the following text from Section 1 from:

      All of the duties listed below, and elsewhere in these bylaws, are listed only to make sure they all get done. If it is easier to have a different officer perform a certain task, that is entirely acceptable. It is only the duty of the officer in question to make sure somebody does it.

      to the shorter:

      All of the duties listed below, and elsewhere in these bylaws, are listed only to make sure they all get done. It is only the duty of the officer in question to make sure somebody does it.

    • Move Section 3 (Elections for Officership and Transition) to Section 4
    • Move Section 2 (Abdication) to Section 3.
    • Add a new Section 2: "Appointed Officers":

      The following officerships are appointed by root. Aside from being appointed, all other bylaws relating to officers apply. Note that being `responsible for' also means `delegating responsibility for'.

      • i: The Webmistress/Webmaster designs and updates the web page. The duties of the webmistress/master shall include:
        • a: to be entirely responsible for the 'look and feel' of the website, www.lugod.org.
        • b: to coordinate hosting matters with an ISP, including hosting for the mailing list(s), vox*@lugod.org.
        • c: to add materials provided by the other officers and committee Chairs to the website.
      • ii: The LERT Coordinator is responsible for:
        • a: Being the point of contact for requests for LERT assistance, and assigning an appropriate LERT member to help with the request.
        • b: Collecting signed waivers and making sure the checks go to /dev/null
        • c: Summarizing bi-weekly LERT activities at general meetings.
        • d: Advertising for "business" and new LERT members, and making sure LERT membership is up to date.
      • iii: The Demo and Public Outreach Officer is responsible for our public demonstration and outreach programs, including:
        • a: Organizing demonstrations and public events, including compiling lists of who's attending what, when and where.
        • b: Making sure these events get posted to the LUGOD webpage.
        • c: Keeping the LUGOD demonstration machine, including all sysadm duties
        • d: Being in charge of organizing carpooling to events and meetings.

    A subsection "iv" of Section 2 will be added at a later date. It will describe the responsibilities for the Publicity Officer.

  • Library - LUGOD aquired three new books. Que's large book "Using Star Office" and the book "Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment" were purchased by LUGOD from Borders Books and Music in Davis. The New Riders book "MySQL" was donated to LUGOD by New Riders.


  • Rob Ferber, founder of OpenSales, Inc., spoke about distributed computing without Beowulf - constructing delocalized business systems that can survive the loss of a server cluster as readily as the loss of a server, as well as how OpenSales' "AllCommerce" product does and will do this.


  • Pete Salzman
  • Jen Rutherford
  • Bill Kendrick
  • Bob George
  • Joel Baumert
  • Jessica Luedtke
  • Verbus Counts
  • Melissa Hardenbrook
  • Rhonda Bailey
  • Mary Jane Budny
  • Eric Engelhard
  • Russ Dawson
  • Ken Rosner
  • Dave Nelson
  • Zach Johnson
  • Jeff Newmiller
  • Jeff Duncan
  • Henry House
  • Chuck Polisher
  • Mark K. Kim
  • Drew Parsons
  • Rob Ferber
  • Remington Stone
  • ...and about 5 others

Quote of the Week

A Linux haiku:

Penguins don't fly far
Except with burning jet packs
Mmm, bird barbeque

Photos of this meeting

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Sunset Systems
Sunset Systems offers preconfigured Linux systems, remote system administration and custom software development.

LUGOD: Linux Users' Group of Davis
Contact Us

LUGOD is a 501(c)7 non-profit organization
based in Davis, California
and serving the Sacramento area.
"Linux" is a trademark of Linus Torvalds.

Sponsored in part by:
Appahost Applications
For a significant contribution towards our projector, and a generous donation to allow us to continue meeting at the Davis Library.