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2000.02.01 Meeting Notes
Committee Reports
- UCD HOWTOs - No change
- Tax Exempt Status - No change
- Farmers Market - Looking for someone to run this committee.
Note: There is a "HOWTO" that describes what this person needs
to do!
- Ambassador to Other LUGs - SacLUG meets 2/9/2000. Topic:
"More da Basics: Editors and bash". SVLUG meets 2/2/2000. Topic:
Mark Merlin on "Everything you ever wanted to know about Unix passwords."
NBLUG general meeting on 2/8/2000 and installfest on 2/12/2000. BALUG
on 2/15/2000. Topic: TBA (but "it will be fun").
- Linux Demo Day - Linux Demo Day is on Feburary 17th. We're
waiting for 'swag' to arrive from LDD sponsors. We're also waiting to
hear back from Border's Books in Davis to find out if we can set up
a demo there.
Other Business
- Financial Report - We collected $33.35 in voluntary dues.
- Installfest - The last installfest was on 1/23/2000. 25-30 people
attended. VA might be donating a hub, cables and network cards to help
with IF's. The next Installfest will be on Sunday, February 20th
from 10am until 6pm in EUII Room 1127 at UC Davis. Contact
Pete Salzman to RSVP.
- Software Development Conference and Expo 2000 - SDExpo sent us
four nice t-shirts which we handed out, as well as pamphlets describing
SDExpo, which will be held from March 19th, 2000 to March 24th, 2000 at
the San Jose Convention Center in San Jose.
Not only that, but LUGOD members are eligable for a free tickets
to the expo, and discounts on the conference packages!
Contact Bill Kendrick to
pick up a pamphlet and discount flyer (before March 1st!)
- LUGOD Server - Pete Salzman suggested that LUGOD set up its own
server on which we could mirror Linux software (ie, for InstallFests),
place our website and mailing lists, and provide shell accounts to LUGOD
Brian Lavendar of SacLUG volunteered to donate hardware, Marianne Waage
volunteered to install an OS. We just need to decide if we want to
do this, where to put it, and who will administer it.
- Game Design Club - Bill Kendrick (and other LUGOD members and
other folks) are going to start a video/computer game design club in
Davis. If you'd like to join or help out, e-mail him
- Pete Salzman, now working for Maximum Linux magazine as their game
reviewer, demonstrated the Linux point-and-click adventure game
"Hopkins FBI."
- Debbi Gutierrez
- Alyssa Gutierrez
- John Blue
- Dave Simmons
- Emily Stumpf
- Eric Engelhard
- Mark Kim
- Pete Salzman
- Remington Stone
- Jen Rutherford
- Mike Simons
- Marianne Waage
- Gabe Rosa
- Evan Scarisbrick
- Zach Johnson
- Bill Kendrick
- Christine Scobee
- Drew Parsons
- Rhonda Bailey
- Allan Hollander
- Juan Gonzalez
- and two others
Photos of this meeting