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2001 Jul 18 14:16

1999.10.04 Meeting Notes


  • Intel has announced its new chip
  • RedHat 6.1 has been released
  • Defcon 2000 will be held in Las Vegas, July 28-30, 2000
  • Linux Business Expo will be held in Las Vegas, November 15-16, 1999
  • USENIX 2000 will be held in San Diego June 18-23, 2000
  • Some LUGOD members discovered that the game lxdoom (a Linux port of idSoftware's Doom) does not work when played behind an ipmasq
  • Doom is now GPL
  • A new version of Tux: A Quest for Herring has been released
  • A new e-zine called Linux Games (linux.gamers.net) has begun and is looking for articles and columnists
  • VA Linux Systems has offered to pay for LUGOD-based stickers and flyers!

Committee Reports

  • PPP How To - No change.

  • Resnet How To - Hans Uhlig has offered to provide floppy disks, and Bill Kendrick and Harry Souders have volunteered to copy the Resnet How To docs to them, if UCD IT is willing to pass them out.

  • Tax Exempt Club Status - The forms and money have been mailed.

  • Farmer's Market - Since we can technically meet up to 11 more times this year (since the 12 meeting limitation is per calendar year, not per 12 month period), we are planning on going a few more times. We will meet on Saturdays October 16th and 30th. Contact Hans Uhlig if you wish to help out.

  • Davis Community Network - Foo was not at the meeting. Last we heard, DCN was moving from one trailer to another.

  • Ambassador to other LUGs - SVLUG meets on the Wednesday, October 6th. SacLUG meets on Wednesday, October 13th. Mike Machado will be explaining the CVS (Concurrent Versions System), a source code version control system. Brian Lavendar will explain GRASS, Geographic Raster Analysis ? System.

Other Business

  • Financial Report - We collected $48.00 in voluntary dues. Our account now holds $333.88.

  • Meeting Location - Mike Simons will look into reserving a room at the Davis library. The room holds at least 150 people, but does not allow food. Reservations must be 3 to 6 weeks in advance, so the first meeting we can have there won't be until at least November.


  • Allan Hollander explained Python, an object-oriented, interpreted scripting language available for Linux and other operating systems.

    (Notes available)


  • Remington Stone
  • Allan Hollander
  • Bill Kendrick
  • Mike Simons
  • Marianne Waage
  • Hans Uhlig
  • Greg Young
  • Andrew Stein
  • Christine Scobee
  • Pete Salzman
  • Matthew Curran
  • Ralph Haygood
  • Matt Snelham
  • Steve Lawrence
  • Tom Kelly
  • Jessica Leudtke
  • Zach Johnson
  • Tim Maurer
  • Harry Souders
  • Brian Lavender
  • Mark Kim
  • Beau Hilkene
  • Mike O'Niell
  • Evan Scarisbrick
  • and a few others

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Hosting provided by:
Sunset Systems
Sunset Systems offers preconfigured Linux systems, remote system administration and custom software development.

LUGOD: Linux Users' Group of Davis
Contact Us

LUGOD is a 501(c)7 non-profit organization
based in Davis, California
and serving the Sacramento area.
"Linux" is a trademark of Linus Torvalds.

Sponsored in part by:
Appahost Applications
For a significant contribution towards our projector, and a generous donation to allow us to continue meeting at the Davis Library.