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1999.03.16 Meeting Notes
We met at Steve's Place Pizza, again in the back room.
Committee Reports
- Dry erase board - No progression on dry erase board.
Beau is amenable to the notion of LUGOD creating a UCD-PPP document,
but is afraid of communication problems from LUGOD to user base.
Peter's draft UCD-PPP document was passed around. It will be linked
on the LUGOD website.
- Logos - Marianne will present some LUGOD logos at an upcoming meeting and
we can vote. Feel free to submit ideas for her. Ideas discussed at
the meeting included a cow-spotted penguin, a penguin riding a Davis
bicycle, and the idea of doing something less "cutsie."
- GLUE - No vote on joining GLUE (Groups of Linux Users Everywhere). Membership
(about $35/year) includes:
- Free copies of Linux Journal magazine archive CD-ROMs
- Discount on a 2 year subscription to PERL Journal
- Free copies of:
- Red Hat Linux
- TCL Blast
- Caldera Systems OpenLinux
- BRU 2000 backup and restore utility
- Discounts from LinuxMall
- 20 free "member" bumperstickers
- 25 free "Powered By Linux" computer decals
- Sample magazines (of what???)
- Sample LINUX products
Bill will ask GLUE where the money goes (their pockets, or to help
other Linux organizations). If it goes in their pockets, we will not
subscribe. Otherwise, we will vote on whether to subscribe.
- Non Profit Organization - Remington suggests we become a
tax-exempt social club (specifically, a hobby club). NPO committee
appropriately renamed "Tax Exemption Committee"
- Finances - We have $46 ($20 was collected at this meeting)
Other Business:
- Adding a "" address (provided to those who wish a copy
of our mailing list) passed with a vote of 9 to 5.
- Jessica volunteered to read any incoming mail sent to ""
- Bill's "BoboBot"
game for Linux was demostrated, with help from Dan and his laptop.
In no particular order (or, more likely, approximately the order people were
seated at the tables):
- Zach Johsnon
- Jennifer Rutherford
- Remington Stone
- Jessica Luedtke
- Dan Benson
- Ajay Tallam
- Francais Courtois
- Chris Lambertus
- Beau P.
- Peter Salzman
- Marianne Waage
- Allan Hollander
- Greg Young
- Bob Scofield
- Bill Kendrick