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2001 Jul 18 12:45

1999.03.09 Meeting Notes

We met at Steve's Place Pizza, this time in the back room.

  • Amendments to the LUGOD Constitution
    • LU-GoD changed to "LUGOD" throughout.
  • Microsoft Update 99: Several people passed out pro-Linux flyers and pamphlets at the MS update, Feb 26 in MU 2. We had no problem, and almost got into UCD's "Aggie" newspaper.
  • Nicole Carson may be able to donate a dry erase board for any simple presentations we have. If not, we will purchase one.
  • Everyone seems interested in visiting other LUGs' meetings. Joseph Arruda will look into schedules for BayLUG and SVLUG. Rumor has it SACLUG is dead.
  • Another MicroSoft event will be taking place in Sacramento on March 30th.
  • Bill Kendrick will present the benefits of joining GLUE, and what GLUE gets out of our membership dues.
  • Due to potention finals and spring break conflicts, the next meeting is scheduled for ONE week from this meeting: Tuesday, March 16, 1999.
  • Due to the aforementioned conflict, the following meeting will be THREE weeks after the next meeting. To try out a new day and see if attendance is better, that meeting will be on a Monday: Monday, April 5, 1999.
  • Peter Salzman, Jessica Luedtke and Joseph Arruda will look into creating a "UCD-PPP HOWTO" document. We hope to convince UCD IT to, at the least, link to it from their website. Better yet would be to convince UCD IT to support Linux 100%, but that isn't likely any time soon.

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Sunset Systems offers preconfigured Linux systems, remote system administration and custom software development.

LUGOD: Linux Users' Group of Davis
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LUGOD is a 501(c)7 non-profit organization
based in Davis, California
and serving the Sacramento area.
"Linux" is a trademark of Linus Torvalds.

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Sunset Systems
Who graciously hosts our website & mailing lists!