General Websites:
- Linux Online! (
- Linux Weekly News
- ...and many others
Linux and Education Websites
Linux-related Usenet Newsgroups
- comp.os.linux
- ...and many others
IRC Chat Channels
- ...and many others
Linux-related Books
Linux Magazines
Linux User Groups
- Groups of Linux Users Everywhere
- Linux User Groups at
- ...and elsewhere
- A Practical Guide to Linux
- The Complete Idiot's Guide to Linux
- Essential Linux Fast
- Everyday Linux
- How to Use Linux
- Inside Linux
- Introduction to Linux
- The Joy of Linux
- Linux Black Book
- Linux Desk Reference
- Linux Desktop Starter Kit
- Linux Complete
- Linux Essential Reference
- Linux for Dummies
- Linux for Windows Addicts
- Linux!: I Didn't Know You Could Do That!
- Linux in a Nutshell
- Linux in Small Business
- Linux: Volume 1: ac to zcat, the Basics
- Mastering Linux
- Running Linux
- Teach Yourself Linux in 24hrs
- ...and many hundreds more
Presented by the Linux Users' Group of Davis
to the California 4-H Leadership Conference
August 10th, 2002 - UC Davis, California