Linux Users' Group of Davis - "News - 2012-04-10 17:15 - LUGOD's 2012 calendard is filling up! "

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LUGOD's 2012 calendard is filling up!

Posted: 2012-04-10 17:15

We've booked guest presenters for meetings [] through September (so far)! Of course, that doesn't mean we're not always looking for speakers []. Want to talk? Have a topic idea? Know someone we should invite? Once again, drop Bill Kendrick a note via email: [].


Earlier News: 2012-02-01 01:55 - Web-based IRC lets you talk to LUGOD members in your browser

More Recent News: 2012-06-06 09:15 - This month at LUGOD: Wikipedia!

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Last updated: 2015 Feb 05 16:29