Linux Users' Group of Davis - "News - 2007-02-07 11:00 - Upcoming February Events "

This is a news item from the Linux Users' Group of Davis' Recent LUGOD News archive.

Upcoming February Events

Posted: 2007-02-07 11:00

Later this month, LUGOD will be holding anoter free, day-long Linux Installfest workshop [] at UC Davis (on Sunday, February 18th). The follow day, Seth Duffey from the City of Davis will return to LUGOD, this time to talk about Creating Accessible Websites [] — 6:30pm on Monday the 19th, at the Davis Public Library [].


Earlier News: 2007-01-19 12:20 - Installfest Volunteers Needed!

More Recent News: 2007-02-09 13:25 - Numerous Job Postings

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LUGOD: PO Box 1336, Davis, CA 95617

Last updated: 2015 Feb 05 16:29