All of the duties listed below, and elsewhere in these bylaws, are listed only to make sure they all get done. If it is easier to have a different officer perform a certain task, that is entirely acceptable. It is only the duty of the officer in question to make sure somebody does it.
to the shorter:
All of the duties listed below, and elsewhere in these bylaws, are listed only to make sure they all get done. It is only the duty of the officer in question to make sure somebody does it.
The following officerships are appointed by root. Aside from being appointed, all other bylaws relating to officers apply. Note that being `responsible for' also means `delegating responsibility for'.
- i: The Webmistress/Webmaster designs and updates the web page. The duties of the webmistress/master shall include:
- a: to be entirely responsible for the 'look and feel' of the website,
- b: to coordinate hosting matters with an ISP, including hosting for the mailing list(s), vox*
- c: to add materials provided by the other officers and committee Chairs to the website.
- ii: The LERT Coordinator is responsible for:
- a: Being the point of contact for requests for LERT assistance, and assigning an appropriate LERT member to help with the request.
- b: Collecting signed waivers and making sure the checks go to /dev/null
- c: Summarizing bi-weekly LERT activities at general meetings.
- d: Advertising for "business" and new LERT members, and making sure LERT membership is up to date.
- iii: The Demo and Public Outreach Officer is responsible for our public demonstration and outreach programs, including:
- a: Organizing demonstrations and public events, including compiling lists of who's attending what, when and where.
- b: Making sure these events get posted to the LUGOD webpage.
- c: Keeping the LUGOD demonstration machine, including all sysadm duties
- d: Being in charge of organizing carpooling to events and meetings.
A subsection "iv" of Section 2 will be added at a later date. It will describe the responsibilities for the Publicity Officer.
A Linux haiku:Photos of this meetingPenguins don't fly far
Except with burning jet packs
Mmm, bird barbeque